Sains Malaysiana 46(5)(2017): 713–718


Molecular Weight, Solubility and Viscosity of Β-Glucan Preparations from Barley Pearling Byproducts

(Berat Molekul, Keterlarutan dan Kelikatan Persediaan Β-Glukan daripada Hasil Sampingan Hampas Barli)




1Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, Gachon University, Seongnam 13120



2Department of Plant Sciences, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58108-6050 USA


Diserahkan: 29 Oktober 2015/Diterima: 17 Oktober 2016



β-Glucan, the representative dietary fibre component of barley, has received much attention, primarily due to its nutritional significance. In this study, β-glucans prepared from barley pearling byproducts were characterized with respect to their molecular weight, solubility and viscosity. Following the initial alkaline extraction, the crude β-glucan extract (45% purity) was further purified to approximately 90%. The isolated β-glucans exhibited a wide molecular weight range with peak molecular weight of less than 1 × 106 daltons. Solubilities of crude and purified β-glucans in water were lower than that of β-glucan in the native barley pearling byproducts. However, the aqueous solubility of purified β-glucan from pearlings was substantially higher than that of commercial β-glucan. Compared to the latter, purified β-glucan exhibited low apparent viscosity in aqueous solutions.


Keywords: Barley; β-glucan; molecular weight distribution; pearling byproduct; solubility; viscosity



β-Glukan, komponen wakil serabut diet barli telah mendapat banyak perhatian, terutamanya disebabkan oleh kepentingan pemakanan. Dalam kajian ini, β-glukan yang disediakan daripada hasil sampingan hampas barli telah dicirikan dengan berat molekul, keterlarutan dan kelikatan. Mengikut pengekstrakan beralkali asal, ekstrak mentah β-glukan (45% ketulenan) telah dimurnikan lagi sehingga 90%. β-glukan yang dipencilkan mempamerkan pelbagai julat berat molekul dengan puncak berat molekul kurang daripada 1 × 106 dalton. Keterlarutan β-glukan mentah dan tulen dalam air adalah lebih rendah daripada β-glukan dalam bahan sampingan hampas barli asli. Walau bagaimanapun, kebolehlarutan akueus β-glukan tulen daripada hampas adalah tinggi daripada β-glukan komersial. Berbanding dengan kedua, β-glukan tulen menunjukkan kelikatan yang rendah dalam larutan akueus.


Kata kunci: Barli; β-glukan; hasil sampingan hampas barli; kelikatan; keterlarutan; pengagihan berat molekul



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