Sains Malaysiana 47(8)(2018): 1801–1810


Attitude of Asians to Calcium and Vitamin D Rich Foods and Supplements: A Systematic Review

(Sikap Orang Asia terhadap Makanan yang Kaya dengan Kalsium dan Vitamin D dan Penambahan Mutu Makanan)




Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Bandar Tun Razak, 56000 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 11 Januari 2018/Diterima: 19 April 2018



The prevalence of osteoporosis is increasing in Asian countries. Optimum calcium intake and vitamin D level are important to prevent osteoporosis. The attitude of the society towards calcium food sources and supplements, as well as sun exposure, influence their bone health practices. This review aimed to summarize the current literature on the attitude of Asians on calcium and vitamin D rich foods and supplements to understand the barriers among the Asians in achieving adequate calcium intake and vitamin D level. Studies showed that most Asians have a negative attitude towards calcium-rich foods, mainly dairy products due to lactose intolerance, aversion to the taste of dairy products or the absence of motivation. Although they took supplements to fill the gap in their diet, they were not aware of the daily recommended intake of calcium. Besides, the majority of them have a negative attitude towards sun exposure due to the fear of getting skin cancer or tanning. As a conclusion, most of Asians are still not aware of the importance of calcium and vitamin D for their health and their negative attitude must be corrected to prevent the rise of osteoporosis.


Keywords: Barrier; bone; osteopenia; osteoporosis; perception; 25-hydroxyvitamin D



Kelaziman osteoporosis semakin meningkat di negara-negara Asia. Pengambilan kalsium dan vitamin D yang optimum adalah penting untuk mencegah osteoporosis. Sikap masyarakat terhadap sumber makanan kalsium dan suplemen, serta pendedahan kepada cahaya matahari, boleh mempengaruhi kesihatan tulang mereka. Ulasan ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan kajian terkini tentang sikap orang Asia terhadap suplemen dan makanan kaya kalsium serta vitamin D demi pengenalpastian sekatan mereka untuk mencapai tahap pengambilan kalsium dan vitamin D yang mencukupi. Kajian lepas telah menunjukkan kebanyakan orang Asia mempunyai sikap yang negatif terhadap makanan kaya kalsium, terutamanya produk tenusu, kerana mereka mengalami intolerans laktosa, tidak suka rasa produk tenusu atau kekurangan motivasi. Walaupun mereka mengambil suplemen untuk mengisi kekurangan dalam diet, mereka tidak mengetahui tahap pengambilan kalsium yang disyorkan. Di samping itu, kebanyakan mereka mempunyai sikap yang negatif terhadap pendedahan cahaya matahari kerana takut mendapat kanser kulit atau kulit gelap. Secara kesimpulannya, kebanyakan orang Asia masih tidak mengetahui kepentingan kalsium dan vitamin D untuk kesihatan mereka dan sikap ini harus diperbaiki untuk menghalang peningkatan osteoporosis.


Kata kunci: Osteopenia; osteoporosis; pandangan; sekatan; tulang; 25-hidroksivitamin D


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