Sains Malaysiana 47(8)(2018): 1819–1826
of Fatty Acid Profiles between Successful and Usual Aging Elderly
(Perbandingan Profil
Asid Lemak antara Orang Tua
Penuaan Berjaya dan
1Nutritional Sciences
Programme, School of Healthcare Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Federal
Territory, Malaysia
2Dietetic Programme,
Centre of Healthcare Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia, Jalan Raja Muda Abdul Aziz, 50300 Kuala Lumpur, Federal
Territory, Malaysia
21 September 2017/Diterima: 19 April 2018
the consumption of polyunsaturated (PUFA) and omega-3 fatty acid
may be one of the strategies to prevent morbidity and mortality among elderly.
This study aimed to identify the plasma fatty acid profile and intake among
older adults who aged successfully (SA) as compared to the usual
agers (UA). This cross-sectional comparative study was conducted
among 48 SA (mean age 66.4+4.7 years old) and 42 UA (mean
age 68.4+4.8 years old). The plasma fatty acid profile was
determined using gas chromatography. Fatty acid intake was measured by using
the validated Fatty Acid Omega-3 intake food frequency questionnaire. The
percentage of saturated fatty acids (SFA) in blood plasma of UA (men
62.2+6.4%, women 62.9+7.0%) were significantly
higher (p<0.05) compared to SA (men 53.7+15.8%,
women 57.1+9.5%). On the other hand, the percentage of
monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA)
omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids were the opposites. Fatty acids intake among SA was
higher compared to UA. SFA (SA=5.0+2.5%, UA=4.6+2.9%)
and total omega-3 (SA=0.5+0.4%, UA=0.4+0.3%)
intakes met the recommended nutrient intake (RNI).
However, mean intakes of MUFA (SA=5.3+2.4%, UA=4.7+2.7%)
and linoleic acid (LA) (SA=0.5+0.7%, UA=0.3+0.5%)
were below than the RNI. Percentages of subjects who did
not meet the RNI for omega-3 and MUFA were
44.2% and 97.7% for SA and 47.4% and 95% for UA,
respectively. SA had a higher level of plasma PUFA and MUFA,
but lower in SFA when compared to UA. MUFA and LA were more likely to be inadequate
in the diet of older adults, particularly the UA.
Elderly; fatty acid; omega-3; successful aging; usual aging
pengambilan asid lemak politaktepu dan asid lemak omega-3 berkemungkinan
merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mencegah morbiditi dan mortaliti
dalam kalangan warga emas. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti
profil asid lemak plasma dan pengambilan asid lemak dalam kalangan
warga emas penuaan berjaya (SA) berbanding penuaan biasa (UA).
Kajian perbandingan hirisan lintang ini dijalankan ke atas 48 orang
warga emas SA
(purata umur 66.4+4.7 tahun) dan 46 orang warga emas UA (purata
umur 66.4+4.7) tahun ini. Profil asid lemak ditentukan menggunakan
kromatografi gas. Pengambilan asid lemak pula diukur menggunakan
borang soal selidik Kekerapan Pengambilan Makanan Asid Lemak Omega-3
yang telah disahkan. Peratusan asid lemak tepu (SFA) dalam plasma darah warga emas UA
(lelaki 62.2+6.4%, wanita 62.9+7.0%) adalah lebih tinggi secara
signifikan (p<0.05) berbanding SA (lelaki 53.7+15.8%,
wanita 62.9+7.0%). Manakala peratusan komposisi asid lemak monotaktepu
(MUFA), politaktepu (PUFA),
omega-3 dan omega-6 adalah sebaliknya. Pengambilan asid lemak adalah
lebih tinggi dalam kalangan SA berbanding UA.
Pengambilan SFA
dan omega-3 total (SA=0.5+0.4%,
menepati Saranan Pengambilan Nutrien (RNI). Walau bagaimanapun, purata
pengambilan MUFA (SA=5.3+2.4%,
dan asid linoleik (LA) (SA=0.5+0.7%,
pula adalah lebih rendah berbanding RNI. Peratusan subjek yang tidak
memenuhi RNI bagi omega-3 dan MUFA pula
adalah sebanyak 44.2% dan 97.7% bagi SA manakala 47.4% dan 95% bagi
Kesimpulannya warga emas SA mempunyai tahap PUFA dan
plasma yang tinggi, tetapi rendah tahap SFA berbanding
warga emas UA. Pengambilan MUFA dan LA adalah
tidak mencukupi dalam diet warga emas, khususnya UA.
Kata kunci:
Asid lemak; penuaan Berjaya; penuaan biasa; omega-3; warga emas
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