Sains Malaysiana 51(2)(2022): 609-618


Intuitionistic Anti Fuzzy Normal Subrings over Normed Rings

(Subgelang Normal Kabur Anti Berintuisi terhadap Gelang Norma)




Department of Mathematical Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia


Diserahkan: 8 Mac 2021/Diterima: 4 Julai 2021



In this paper, we initiate the notion of intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings and generalize various related properties. We extend the notion of intuitionistic fuzzy normed subrings to intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings. Further, we study the algebraic nature of direct product of intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings and establish and examine some imperative properties of such products. We also provide some essential operations specially subset, complement and intersection relating to direct product of intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings. Then, we generalize the relation between the intuitionistic characteristic function and direct product of intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings.


Keywords: Direct product of intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subrings; intuitionistic anti fuzzy normed normal subring; intuitionistic fuzzy normed normal subring



Dalam makalah ini, kami mempelopori tanggapan subgelang normal norma anti kabur berintuisi dan menyamaratakan pelbagai sifat berkaitan. Kami kembangkan tanggapan subgelang normal norma kabur berintuisi kepada subgelang normal norma anti kabur berintuisi. Seterusnya, kami mengkaji sifat aljabar bagi hasil darab langsung subgelang normal norma anti kabur berintuisi dan memantapkan serta mengkaji beberapa sifat penting hasil darab tersebut. Kami juga memberikan beberapa operasi asas terutamanya subset, pelengkap dan persilangan yang berkaitan dengan hasil darab langsung subgelang normal norma anti kabur berintuisi. Kemudian kami permudahkan hubungan antara fungsi cirian berintuisi dengan hasil darab langsung subgelang normal norma anti kabur berintuisi.


Kata kunci: Hasil darab langsung subgelang normal bernorma anti kabur berintuisi; subgelang normal bernorma anti kabur berintuisi; subgelang normal bernorma kabur berintuisi



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