Sains Malaysiana 51(5)(2022): 1577-1586
A New Optimization Scheme for Robust Design
Modeling with Unbalanced Data
(Skema Pengoptimuman Baru bagi Pemodelan Reka Bentuk Teguh dengan Data Tak
1Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Faculty of Science and Institute for Mathematical Research, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
2Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Taraba State University Jalingo
P.M.B. 1164 Jalingo, Taraba State, Nigeria
3Department of mathematical and Physical
Sciences, East West University, Dhaka-1212, Bangladesh
Diserahkan: 5 Februari 2021/Diterima: 20 September 2021
The Lin and Tu (LT) optimization scheme which is
based on mean squared error (MSE) objective function is the commonly used
optimization scheme for estimating the optimal mean response in robust dual
response surface optimization. The ordinary least squares (OLS) method is often
used to estimate the parameters of the process location and process scale
models of the responses. However, the OLS is not efficient for the unbalanced
design data since this kind of data make the errors of a model become
heteroscedastic, which produces large standard errors of the estimates. To
remedy this problem, a weighted least squares (WLS) method is put forward.
Since the LT optimization scheme produces a large difference between the
estimates of the mean response and the experimenter actual target value, we
propose a new optimization scheme. The OLS and the WLS are integrated in the
proposed scheme to determine the optimal solution of the estimated responses.
The results of the simulation study and real example indicate that the WLS is
superior when compared with the OLS method irrespective of the optimization
scheme used. However, the combination of WLS and the proposed optimization
scheme (PFO) signify more efficient results when compared to the WLS combined
with the LT optimization scheme.
Keywords: Optimization; robust design; unbalanced data; weighted least squares
Skema pengoptimuman Lin dan Tu (LT) yang
berdasarkan fungsi objektif min kuasadua ralat (MSE) sering digunakan dalam
skema pengoptimuman bagi menganggarkan min gerak balas optimum dalam
pengoptimuman permukaan berganda teguh. Kaedah kuasadua terkecil biasa (OLS)
sering digunakan untuk menganggarkan parameter model proses lokasi dan model
proses skala bagi gerak balas. Walau bagaimanapun, kaedah OLS tidak cekap bagi
data reka bentuk yang tak seimbang kerana data yang begini membuatkan ralat
model menjadi heteroskedastik dan menghasilkan penganggar ralat piawai besar.
Untuk mengatasi masalah ini, kaedah kuasadua terkecil berpemberat (WLS)
dicadangkan. Kami mencadangkan skema pengoptimuman baru disebabkan skema
pengoptimuman LT menghasilkan perbezaan yang besar antara penganggar min gerak
balas dan nilai sebenar sasaran penyelidik. Kaedah OLS dan WLS digabungkan
dalam skema yang dicadangkan bagi menentukan penyelesaian optimum bagi gerak
balas yang dianggarkan. Keputusan kajian simulasi dan contoh sebenar menunjukkan
bahawa kaedah WLS mengatasi kaedah OLS tanpa mengira skema pengoptimuman yang
digunakan. Walau bagaimanapun, gabungan WLS dan skema pengoptimuman yang
dicadang (PFO) menunjukkan keputusan yang lebih cekap apabila dibandingkan
dengan WLS yang digabungkan dengan skema pengoptimuman LT.
Kata kunci: Data tak seimbang; kuasadua terkecil
berpemberat; pengoptimuman; reka bentuk teguh
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