Sains Malaysiana 52(2)(2023): 399-416


A Review of Rock Slope Stability Assessment Practice in Malaysia

(Ulasan Amalan Penilaian Kestabilan Cerun Batuan Di Malaysia)




1Department of Earth Sciences and Environment, Faculty of Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

2Engineering Geology Advisory, 11, SS21/12, Damansara Utama, 47400, Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

3School of Engineering (Petroleum), Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU), Technology Park Malaysia, Bukit Jalil, 57000, Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory, Malaysia

4Geomapping Technology Sdn Bhd, 806A & 807A (1st floor), Kompleks Diamond, Jalan Seksyen 1/16, Seksyen 1, 43650 Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

5State key Laboratory for Geomechanics & Deep Underground Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China

6Natural Disaster Research Centre (NDRC), Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 88400 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

7Institute for Environment and Development (LESTARI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia

8Faculty of Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology, VNU-HCM, 268 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, District 10, Ho Chi Minh City 700000, Vietnam


Diserahkan: 15 Disember 2021/Diterima: 22 November 2022



Rock slope stability assessment in Malaysia has become increasingly important as new developments encroach hillsides around major cities. This article reviews historical case studies to present a general picture of rock slope assessment practice in Malaysia, especially on methods and output of the case studies. Common methods include use of locally developed rating systems, Rock Mass Rating (RMR) and its derivatives, kinematic analysis, and numerical analysis. Application of these methods must be suitable with site conditions, while its advantages and disadvantages must be recognized by the assessor. Emergence of new technologies greatly improves the speed and quality of data acquisition provided. A total of 39 case studies on different lithologies were examined, in which progress were notable from kinematic analysis-based assessments to incorporation of rating systems and numerical analysis. This article recommends several improvements for rock slope assessment practice. These include an establishment of a local good practice guide in the assessment, incorporation of numerical analysis into standard practice, improving utilization of new technologies, more attention to the influence of weathering, and consideration of seismic influence in seismically active regions. Utilization of numerical methods and other contemporary methods reflects increasing understanding of rock mechanics which is vital to rock slope stability assessment among local practitioners. Improved rock slope assessment allows for a more accurate stability determination and decisive mitigation measure recommendations, which is to be done by competent engineering geologists, in line with Geologist Act 2008.


Keywords: Engineering geology; rock slope; slope failure; stability analysis




Penilaian kestabilan cerun batuan di Malaysia menjadi semakin penting berikutan pembangunan baharu yang melibatkan sisi bukit di sekitar bandar utama. Kertas ini mengulas kajian kes untuk mempersembahkan gambaran am amalan penilaian kestabilan cerun batuan di Malaysia, khususnya kepada metodologi dan hasil kajian kes tersebut. Metodologi yang sering digunakan meliputi sistem perkadaran yang dibangunkan untuk kegunaan tempatan, Perkadaran Jasad Batuan (RMR) dan terbitan, analisis kinematik, serta analisis numerik. Aplikasi teknik tersebut haruslah bersesuaian dengan keadaan tapak, manakala kelebihan dan kekurangannya perlu diketahui oleh penilai. Kemunculan teknologi baharu memperbaik kelajuan dan kualiti data yang diperoleh. Sebanyak 39 kajian kes yang mempunyai litologi yang berlainan telah diteliti, dengan perkembangan dikenal pasti daripada penilaian berasaskan analisis kinematik sehingga penggunaan sistem perkadaran dan analisis numerik. Kertas ini mencadangkan beberapa penambahbaikan untuk amalan penilaian cerun batuan. Antaranya adalah penubuhan satu panduan cara kerja baik dalam penilaian, penggabungan analisis numerik ke dalam amalan piawai, menambahbaik penggunaan teknologi baharu, perhatian kepada pengaruh luluhawa, pertimbangan pengaruh seismik di kawasan yang aktif seismik. Penggunaan kaedah numerik dan kaedah kontemporari lain mencerminkan pertambahan kefahaman berkenaan mekanik batuan yang penting dalam penilaian kestabilan cerun batuan dalam kalangan pengamal setempat. Penilaian cerun batuan yang ditambahbaik membolehkan penentuan kestabilan yang lebih tepat dan cadangan langkah mitigasi yang tertentu; yang sepatutnya dilakukan oleh ahli geologi kejuruteraan yang kompeten, selaras dengan Akta Ahli Geologi 2008.

Kata kunci: Analisis kestabilan; cerun batuan; geologi kejuruteraan; kegagalan cerun



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