Pandemik Covid-19 telah menyebabkan pergerakan harga mata wang menjadi tidak stabil dan tahap kecekapan yang rendah. Tidak terkecuali, pasaran FOREX ASEAN turut menerima tempias dari pandemik ini. Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk meneliti kebolehramalan pergerakan harga dalam pasaran spot FOREX di beberapa buah negara ASEAN yang terpilih meliputi mata wangContinue Reading

This study attempts to look at the relationship between stock markets in ASEAN-5 region by using multivariate GARCH models (MGARCH). The results show that most markets are experiencing a higher degree of volatility in periods of crisis, especially during the Asian financial crisis. The results also show a positive correlationContinue Reading

Healthy corporate governance is necessary for attracting investor participation and alleviating corruption. Akin to other developing nations, two major challenges arise. First, Increasing foreign direct investments (FDIs) and second, controlling corruption are faced by all countries in the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) for their economic development. PhenomenalContinue Reading