Whether medical, chemical, or nuclear, the laboratory presents inherent risks, which are further amplified by lab equipment usage. Ensuring laboratory safety in universities and research institutions is thus critical. Based on the knowledge, attitude, and practice model, this study examines how student knowledge, attitude, awareness, and organizational commitment impact theContinue Reading

This study aims to explore the effects of user characteristics as antecedents of technostress towards human resource management information system (HRMIS) in government agencies of Malaysia. To address the research objective, we conducted an exploratory mixed-method study which involved both the semi-structured interviews with HRMIS experts from three state governmentsContinue Reading

This study investigates the perception towards renewable energy use in Malaysia. A survey of in the Klang-valley area yield responses from 200 respondents. Then, the data were analysed using exploratory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. Five factors emerge from the factor analysis namely relative advantage, perceived behavioural control, easeContinue Reading