The role of audit governance mechanisms as part of the corporate governance architecture has been promoted to ensure the integrity of the financial reporting process. In order to get insights on their effectiveness, this study investigates the effects of the audit governance mechanism, specifically audit committee, internal audit function andContinue Reading

An increase in audit queries and recurring audit issues every year show that the public sector auditees are taking a longer time or are reluctant to take action on audit recommendations. This study examines the relationship between attitudes and six reference groups namely auditors, follow-up audit, accountability index, Auditors General’sContinue Reading

The purpose of this study is to examine the comparative moderating effects of two separate risk governance mechanisms on the relationship between voluntary risk management disclosure (VRMD) and firm performance (FP). This study utilizes content analysis method to collect VRMD data, while FP is measured based on investors’ perspective, representedContinue Reading

The main objective of this study is to examine the influences of committees that are being appointed to manage risk towards voluntary risk management disclosure (VRMD) among non-financial companies in Malaysia. Non-financial companies will usually appoint either Risk Management Committee (RMC) or Audit Committee (AC) to manage their risks. BasedContinue Reading