The present paper proposes a new instrument for measuring relationship marketing that is uniquely designed for the foodservice industry. In particular, the underlying dimensions of relationship marketing as perceived by customers are identified. The proposed 31-item instrument is empirically tested for unidimensionality, reliability and validity using both exploratory and confirmatoryContinue Reading

Small and medium-sized enterprise exporters that build trusting relationships with foreign importers are strategically helpful in overcoming the challenges brought about by internationalization. Trust facilitates knowledge sharing between partners, and it allows small firms to expand their foreign market knowledge and consequently reduce their uncertainties that are caused by theContinue Reading

Paddy plantation is an important industry in Malaysia. Advancement and innovation are important elements in improving this industry. Introduction of new technology and innovation are influenced by several factors including communication. The use of effective communication could possibly increase the innovation diffusion in multiple sectors. This study looks on theContinue Reading