Identification is a sense of belonging to particular social groups with similar characteristics or similarly perceived role identities. The strength of an individual’s identification is context-dependent and can influence an individual’s behavior according to certain expectations. Despite abundant research on board oversight roles, little is known about why board membersContinue Reading

Corporate environmental management and performance have become increasingly significant for companies in recent years, as they should operate in line with societal values and norms. Top management of companies, which include their board members, have an important role to play to address environmental issues, which include compliance with environmental lawsContinue Reading

Interlocking or shared directorship is among important issues in corporate governance. According to resource dependence theory, interlocking directorship can become resources that can improve firm performance. This explanation is in line with business environment in Malaysia that can be categorized as networked economy. On the other hand, interlocking directorships canContinue Reading

The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of ethics in corporate governance. The research is situated within an interpretive approach. The interview technique was employed to explore the issue. Interviews were conducted with 13 experts who were involved in the reform of Malaysian corporate governance. The expertsContinue Reading

In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarming rate at which firms or corporations collapse due to the mismanagement and manipulation of resources as seen in the cases of Enron, WorldCom in the United States of America; and to be specific in Malaysia,Continue Reading

Lack of effective corporate governance mechanism and disclosure transparency frameworks have been partly blamed for the 1997-1999 East Asia economic crises. Consequently, Indonesia, together with many countries across the globe have been actively reviewing and improving their corporate governance and transparency mechanisms. Theoretically, corporate governance mechanism is designed to monitorContinue Reading

Small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) do not gain sufficient economic returns despite their significant economic contributions. A possible cause of poor SME performance is weak corporate governance. However, the corporate governance of SMEs is rarely investigated. Ownership structure provides SMEs with a monitoring mechanism that enhances performance. This study examinesContinue Reading