The present paper proposes a new instrument for measuring relationship marketing that is uniquely designed for the foodservice industry. In particular, the underlying dimensions of relationship marketing as perceived by customers are identified. The proposed 31-item instrument is empirically tested for unidimensionality, reliability and validity using both exploratory and confirmatoryContinue Reading

This study examines the relationship between image, corporate social responsibility (CSR), relationship quality and loyalty among shoppers of grocery items. To achieve the research objective, 191 questionnaires were conveniently distributed to students of a public university in Selangor. Using AMOS, results of the analysis show that image and CSR haveContinue Reading

The purpose of this study is to investigate the direct relationship between perceived attractiveness aspects and customer loyalty. The perceived attractiveness aspects are operationalized into five dimensions, namely surroundings of the building and features; service quality; homestay facilities; homestay operation and management; and homestay geist and community co-prosperity. The hypothesesContinue Reading