This study explores the effects of financial literacy and financial behaviour on entrepreneurial motivation among accounting students in Malaysia’s public universities. University students’ financial literacy level and financial behaviour level are also explored. This study employed a quantitative survey method and used twenty financial items and ten entrepreneurship motivation itemsContinue Reading

This research analyzes the effect of Financial Literacy, Rational Financing Decision, Financial Capital, and SME Financial Performance. A survey approach is used for data collection from a sample of financed SMEs in Makassar City. Using the cluster method technique and stratified random sampling, 279 samples are obtained and analyzed withContinue Reading

This study aims to explore the relationship between socio-demographics and financial literacy with an individual’s engagement in personal financial planning, with the target population being the youths residing in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Questionnaires adopted from past literature were distributed to gather relevant data from the target population and 400 respondentsContinue Reading