The pandemic’s negative impact on SMEs’ performance have been particularly felt as a result of changes in consumer behavior. Therefore, strategic actions are required to accelerate the growth of SMEs in the post-pandemic era. Based on the Dynamic Capabilities Theory, the aim of this study was to analyze the effectContinue Reading

The main objective of the paper is to explore the relationships between innovation, entrepreneurial orientation (EO), organizational culture (OC), strategic orientation (SO) and firm performance (FP). Based on the literature review, a conceptual model has been developed of the relationships between variables. This study was greatly motivated by the inconsistentContinue Reading

Paddy plantation is an important industry in Malaysia. Advancement and innovation are important elements in improving this industry. Introduction of new technology and innovation are influenced by several factors including communication. The use of effective communication could possibly increase the innovation diffusion in multiple sectors. This study looks on theContinue Reading