In the era of fourth industrial revolution, remuneration management has become an important organizational strategy for achieving organizational objectives. The purpose of this study is to explore the influence of performance-based remuneration management on employee’s job satisfaction through the mediating role of procedural justice. A crosssectional technique was employed toContinue Reading

Job satisfaction explains individuals’ reactions towards their jobs. Many studies find that job satisfaction is a well-known construct that is widely used to study work-related well-being; and contributes significantly to employees’ overall quality of life. The current paper examines job satisfaction among Malaysian employees using the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS).Continue Reading

This study aims to examine the relationship between internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices and job satisfaction of employees in a Malaysian banking company. The study utilised Carroll’s revised pyramid of global CSR and performance model with the selected CSR dimensions developed by Mohd Hasan (2013), consisting of the bestContinue Reading

This study examines the relationship between performance-based rewards (PR) and training and development (T&D) in terms of employee voluntary turnover intention (TI). It also examines if job satisfaction (JS) and job dissatisfaction (JDS) mediate the relationship between these variables. The data were collected via purposive sampling and were analyzed usingContinue Reading

Inability to cope with conflicting demands of work and family has become an important topic among the employees in organisation. However, studies on inability to cope with conflicting demands on work, family and distance learning among the distance learners in Malaysia have received little attention. In this article, a sampleContinue Reading

Engineers are very driven to go up the career tree, and they aim for psychological achievement. Nevertheless, the struggle between fulfilling the company’s work demands and having their ambitions and expectations affected their well-being. In Malaysia, engineers are reported as one of the groups of unhappy employees. Consequently, this researchContinue Reading