Consumer-based brand equity is essential in marketing strategy as it can affect firm performance. This study examines the relationship between country of origin effect on consumer-brand equity, for a selected product category in Malaysian market. In this context, a conceptual research model was developed based on previous literature of brandContinue Reading

This study is aimed at explaining factors influencing the intention to be a partner amongst bank customers in musharakah mutanaqisah home financing. Drawing upon the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study assesses the model in order to examine the effects of three explanatory factors namely attitude, subjective norm andContinue Reading

This study aimed at examining the relationship among program benefits (utilitarian/monetary, hedonic, and symbolic), program satisfaction, and loyalty (program loyalty and store loyalty) in the retail context in Malaysia. A total of 300 questionnaires were collected via convenience sampling from program members of hypermarkets and superstores in Malaysia. A structuralContinue Reading

This study discusses the importance of implementing E-Syariah, which is a Government-to-Citizen (G2C) application, in fulfilling the needs to improve Shariah Courts’ administration in Malaysia. Its objective is to identify factors that affect the intention and utilization of E-Syariah by its targeted users, the Malaysian Shar’ie lawyers, which are currentlyContinue Reading

This study explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and organizational performance of manufacturing organizations in Malaysia. A total of 137 organizations were involved in this study. Multiple regression analysis results showed that there was a multi collinearity problem among the HRM variables, but this problem was resolved usingContinue Reading

This paper investigates the relationship between ultimate ownership concentration and the extent of leverage in the context of Malaysia. The data of this study include 478 publicly listed firms from2001 to 2012. The results show that ultimate ownership concentration has U-shaped relationship with leverage, with the turning point being atContinue Reading

In the past years, regulators and the business communities had expressed worries about the alarming rate at which firms or corporations collapse due to the mismanagement and manipulation of resources as seen in the cases of Enron, WorldCom in the United States of America; and to be specific in Malaysia,Continue Reading

Despite various contextual factors being reported to have influenced organizational commitment among employees, more empirical evidences are required. This is important as to reaffirm such assertion in the growing body of literature on organizational commitment. In line with that, this study attempts to examine the influence of corporate culture onContinue Reading

The primary objective of this study is to determine the influence of human resource management (HRM) practices on employee engagement. HRM practices comprise of training and development, financial and non-financial recognition, fringe benefits, and supervisor-subordinate relationship. A total of 306 operational level employees in manufacturing firms in the Northern RegionContinue Reading