People generally tend to perceive persons with disabilities (PWDs) as “risky hires,” thus denying PWDs jobs for which they are qualified and capable of doing. Reasons for discrimination against PWDs are numerous, ranging from a lack of understanding of disability to an absence of effective policies and legislations to protectContinue Reading

Job satisfaction explains individuals’ reactions towards their jobs. Many studies find that job satisfaction is a well-known construct that is widely used to study work-related well-being; and contributes significantly to employees’ overall quality of life. The current paper examines job satisfaction among Malaysian employees using the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS).Continue Reading

The objective of the present study is to examine whether the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) increases financial information quality. The IFRS brings about substantial changes in accounting standards. One of the prominent features of the system is that it results in the production of financial information ofContinue Reading

The paper aims to explore the administration and management issues of Corporate Share Waqf Model through the experience of Waqaf An-Nur Corporation Berhad. The qualitative approach notably case study is used to obtain the experiences and perception on the current practice and the issues related to administration and management ofContinue Reading

This study aimed to examine the relationship among the five dimensions of entrepreneurial orientations (innovativeness, risk taking, autonomy, competitive aggressiveness, and proactiveness) and performance of Takaful agencies in Malaysia. A total of 211 questionnaires were collected via purposive sampling from Takaful agency’s managers from three main Takaful operators namely Etiqa,Continue Reading