Prior research indicates that employees who seek feedback usually have better work performance. But why do feedback seekers behave proactively after receiving feedback information from their supervisors? This question motivates the current research. The purpose of this paper is to explore an important mediator, namely interactional justice, which explains whyContinue Reading

This study examines the psychometric properties of the job performance construct by espousing task performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) items. The latter comprises of sportsmanship, civic virtue, courtesy, altruism, conscientiousness, and innovative behavior. An a priori proposition is made that the job performance measurement could be explained by twoContinue Reading

This paper examines the effect of leadership styles on employee organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in Malaysian organizations. Downward influence tactics, as a mediator between leadership and its outcome, is explored to develop the proposed framework. Data from 347 respondents representing several industries show that leaders, who are associated with aContinue Reading

Organizational citizenship behavior is an important element in volunteer activities and this is acknowledged by many studies that explored factors that drive volunteer engagement. A review of the literature showed that organizational citizenship behavior is influenced by factors related to volunteer characteristics and organizational factors. This study was conducted toContinue Reading