appropriately. This study aims to determine how digital organizational culture, digital capability, and digital innovation impact organizational performance. The partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was utilized to analyze the data obtained from 238 respondents affiliated with Indonesian pharmaceutical state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The results of this study suggest thatContinue Reading

Takaful operators in countries dominated by Muslim are still experiencing low penetration rate. New emerging customer segments have higher expectation where Takaful operators need more innovative approaches in acquiring and retaining customers. Moreover, Takaful companies need to apply marketing, societal and entrepreneurial concept to make the industry more competitive. AlthoughContinue Reading

This study explores the relationship between human resource management (HRM) and organizational performance of manufacturing organizations in Malaysia. A total of 137 organizations were involved in this study. Multiple regression analysis results showed that there was a multi collinearity problem among the HRM variables, but this problem was resolved usingContinue Reading

The Activity-Based Costing (ABC) system continues to gain attention due to the increasing challenges in the current business environment. This situation motivated the researchers to examine external contingency factors (environmental uncertainty (EU) and market orientation (MO)) that influence ABC implementation and the possible effects of ABC implementation on organizational performance.Continue Reading