Public service organizations in Malaysia must improve their performance and competitiveness to safeguard themselves against the potential negative consequences of their modest decline in these areas. Previous studies have recognized that talent management can significantly influence an organization’s performance, but theoretical and empirical research on this relationship remains limited withinContinue Reading

The purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of Peninsular Malaysia’s single mother co-operatives. This study mainly examines the number of active and inactive co-operatives and identifies the key factors influencing their success or failure. The research evaluated 23 co-operative groups of single mothers. The performance of theContinue Reading

This study aimed to examine the influence of the organizational factors (reward, training, and collaboration) and knowledge creation process on R&D project performance. A quantitative approach was employed with the data obtained from the sample of R&D projects from the medical device firms listed on the Association of Malaysian MedicalContinue Reading

The purpose of this study is to examine the predictive effects of entrepreneurial orientation, innovation capability and knowledge creation on firm performance. Data for the study was collected using a cross-sectional quantitative survey. A total of 188 useable responses were collected from SMEs in Malaysia. The findings show that entrepreneurialContinue Reading