Whether medical, chemical, or nuclear, the laboratory presents inherent risks, which are further amplified by lab equipment usage. Ensuring laboratory safety in universities and research institutions is thus critical. Based on the knowledge, attitude, and practice model, this study examines how student knowledge, attitude, awareness, and organizational commitment impact theContinue Reading

COVID-19 has shaken the business industry and forced a revisit of the resilience literature. Though organizations’ management have adopted measures prescribed by the literature, these measures have been unable to provide a fit-for-all solution. This has motivated this study to re-examine the organizational resilience factors driving operational performance in theContinue Reading

A major driver to the organizational innovation is an employee who has innovative behavior. This study emphasizes the importance of the social media usage in workplace in encouraging employee innovative behavior. Context of this study is Millennial because are dominating the world of work and lead organizational innovation. Therefore, theContinue Reading

Cyber harassment is a form of psychological violation aiming to humiliate victims through the social media by spreading information to the public. According to the Stressor-Emotional Model, cyber harassment is the cause of stress, that can trigger negative emotions and shaping negative behaviours. The effect of negative emotion at workContinue Reading