Whether medical, chemical, or nuclear, the laboratory presents inherent risks, which are further amplified by lab equipment usage. Ensuring laboratory safety in universities and research institutions is thus critical. Based on the knowledge, attitude, and practice model, this study examines how student knowledge, attitude, awareness, and organizational commitment impact theContinue Reading

Cybersecurity, as a security management requirement, is essential to understanding data security in higher institutions. This study aims to explore the role of cybersecurity in the performance of Malaysian higher education institutions through semi-structured qualitative interviews with 10 cybersecurity risk management officers from 10 public universities. The data were analysedContinue Reading

Islamic foreign exchange forward plays a significant role to mitigate various foreign currency exchange risks. The main challenge that impedes the development and operation of the Islamic foreign exchange forward as a hedging instrument is the behaviour of relying on existing conventional framework with core conception of relying on interestContinue Reading

Information Systems (IS) development is susceptible to various risks. Most IS development projects failed to achieve their targeted aim due to over budget, overdue, and poor quality. Previous studies indicate that failure to manage and understand risk contribute to failure in IS development as risk is inevitable. Managing risk atContinue Reading

Hedging practices among Shari’ah compliant firms (ShC) are still not well explored and firms in Malaysia is very much lag behind in derivatives usage against firms in the developed countries. This study investigates the influence of financial derivatives usage on the value of Shari’ah and non-Shari’ah compliant firms (non-ShC) inContinue Reading