Ecotourism sector in Malaysia is seen increasingly well received by local and foreign tourists. Concern for environmental sustainability has made the ecotourism sector bloomed and attracted the tourists who want to see stability and sustainability of the global ecosystem is in line with the progress of the tourism sector. InContinue Reading

The purpose of this study is to investigate the direct relationship between perceived attractiveness aspects and customer loyalty. The perceived attractiveness aspects are operationalized into five dimensions, namely surroundings of the building and features; service quality; homestay facilities; homestay operation and management; and homestay geist and community co-prosperity. The hypothesesContinue Reading

This study investigates the pertinent components of satisfaction variables that could help the Takaful Insurance to identify and prioritise ways to gain customers. The study employed a quantitative research approach by conducting surveys through questionnaires to respondents from two universities in Malaysia. The findings from the research proved that serviceContinue Reading