The pandemic’s negative impact on SMEs’ performance have been particularly felt as a result of changes in consumer behavior. Therefore, strategic actions are required to accelerate the growth of SMEs in the post-pandemic era. Based on the Dynamic Capabilities Theory, the aim of this study was to analyze the effectContinue Reading

This study attempts to investigate the participant(s) halal industry information asymmetry issues and their intention, if any, to mitigate it. Additionally, this study also investigates the moderating effects of their perceptions towards industry 4.0 adoption and their intentions of using industry 4.0 to mitigate information asymmetry. This research is exploratoryContinue Reading

Institutional and social network are several major research traditions in the business and management areas. This paper examines the role of owner/managers’ social network on entrepreneurship initiatives and the underlying socio-cultural factors promoting or impeding SME development in Kazakhstan. A semi-structured interviews were carried-out with thirteen SME owners/managers in AlmatyContinue Reading