Voluntary disclosure is additional information beyond mandatory disclosure. Nowadays, the information sources available for stakeholders to make informed decision are not limited to annual reports. The first publication on voluntary disclosure started in 1979. As of January 12, 2020, a total of 520 publications on voluntary disclosure in the subjectContinue Reading

Lack of effective corporate governance mechanism and disclosure transparency frameworks have been partly blamed for the 1997-1999 East Asia economic crises. Consequently, Indonesia, together with many countries across the globe have been actively reviewing and improving their corporate governance and transparency mechanisms. Theoretically, corporate governance mechanism is designed to monitorContinue Reading

The main objective of this study is to examine the influences of committees that are being appointed to manage risk towards voluntary risk management disclosure (VRMD) among non-financial companies in Malaysia. Non-financial companies will usually appoint either Risk Management Committee (RMC) or Audit Committee (AC) to manage their risks. BasedContinue Reading