The objective of this study was to investigate the role of perceived supervisor support as a mediator between leader- member exchange (LMX) and work-family conflict. Although previous studies have found significant relationship between LMX and work-family conflict, empirical evidence explaining the relationship is still limited. Thus, this study attempts toContinue Reading

Inability to cope with conflicting demands of work and family has become an important topic among the employees in organisation. However, studies on inability to cope with conflicting demands on work, family and distance learning among the distance learners in Malaysia have received little attention. In this article, a sampleContinue Reading

Cyber harassment is a form of psychological violation aiming to humiliate victims through the social media by spreading information to the public. According to the Stressor-Emotional Model, cyber harassment is the cause of stress, that can trigger negative emotions and shaping negative behaviours. The effect of negative emotion at workContinue Reading