Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

Conditions for Passing Courses

A new set of regulation on conditions for passing courses will be implemented starting from semester 1 , 2015/2016 with respect to UKM senate approval of vol. 413 on 27 August 2015. These conditions will be applied to all cohorts of FKAB students starting from the senate approval date.

With respect to EAC manual 2012 edition:

(page 16, Section 7.1 under criteria 1: Academic Curruculum)

“Unless the continuous assessment approach adopted can demonstrate the attainment of the depth of knowledge, the IHLs are strongly reminded to ensure that no student shall pass the courses if they fail in their final semester examination.”

Thus, the following are some examples on how to calculate the total mark.

A student will receive fail status for a subject if the measured average summative components are also FAIL, which means that the total mark is below 35. All examinations that fall under the category of summative assessment should be conducted in controlled environment.


*Passing Mark

Passing mark is 35, which is a D grade where it will be assessed and might be upgraded to a higher mark, which will be informed later on.


*Controlled Environment Definition

It is an environment in which the distance between two students while doing the examination is observed and controlled where at least a lecturer will monitor the examination and it should be scheduled early on.


*Definition of Standard Compliance

Summative assessment: The questions should be vetted and assessed, especially on the question depth where the examination is scheduled and controlled.

Continuous assessment: It (such as project report, assignment, lab work) can be categorized as summative assessment if it complies with same standard as the summative assessment such as the assessment is done to each individual by using right tool such as rubric and the mark distribution is suitable with the measured domain. The assessment should reflect each student achievement and should posses the right depth according to the student level of study.

Summative/Real assessment  

 (Controlled & Complied the Standard)

Continuous Assessment Average of Summative Components Grade
Final Exam


Mid Sem (%) Others assessment








Refer to the formula
Fail ? 35 % Calculation as normal
Fail < 35 % E

 Mark for real assessment component for the student (%) = (?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)/(Total Mark of Summative Components in %)) x 100%



Case 1: Summative Assessment + Project Report

Summative/Real assessment  

 (Controlled & Complied the Standard)

Continuous Assessment Average of Summative Components Grade
Final Exam


Mid Sem (30%) Project








Refer to the formula
33/100 (Fail)  50/100 70/100 100/100 100/100 100/100 44 % 55.5 (C+)

Mark for real assessment component for the student (%) = (?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)/(Total Mark of Summative Components in %))  x 100%

= ((Final exam x weightage) + (Mid exam x weightage)+ (Project x weightage))/(80)) x 100%

= ((33 x 0.4) + (50 x 0.3)+ (70 x 0.1))/(80)) x 100%

= (13.2 + 15 + 7)/80 x 100%

= 44 ? 35

Student real mark (%)        = ?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)

=  13.2 + 15 + 7 + 5 + 5 +10

= 55.5 (C+)


Case 2: Summative Assessment 

Summative/Real assessment  

 (Controlled & Complied the Standard)

Continuous Assessment Average of Summative Components Grade
Final Exam


Mid Sem (20%) Quiz






Refer to the formula
33/100 (Fail)  35/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 33.6 % E

Mark for real assessment component for the student (%) = (?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)/(Total Mark of Summative Components in %))  x 100%

= ((Final exam x weightage) + (Mid exam x weightage))/60) x 100%

= ((33 x 0.4) + (35 x 0.2))/60) x 100%

= (13.2 + 7)/60 x 100%

= 33.6 < 35

Hence, the student’s grade is E and fails the course


Case 3 : Summative Assessment

Summative/Real assessment  

 (Controlled & Complied the Standard)

Continuous Assessment Average of Summative Components Grade
Final Exam


Mid Sem (20%) Quiz






Refer to the formula
33/100 (Fail)  80/100 90/100 90/100 90/100 48.7 % 65.2 (B-)

Mark for real assessment component for the student (%) = (?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)/(Total Mark of Summative Components in %))  x 100%

= ((Final exam x weightage) + (Mid exam x weightage))/60) x 100%

= ((33 x 0.4) + (80 x 0.2))/60) x 100%

= (13.2 + 16)/60 x 100%

= 48.7 ? 35

Student real mark (%)        = ?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)

=  13.2 + 16 + 9 + 18 + 9

= 65.2 (B-)


Case 4 : Final Exam Only

Summative/Real assessment  

 (Controlled & Complied the Standard)

Continuous Assessment Average of Summative Components Grade
Final Exam








Refer to the formula
33/100 (Fail) 100/100 100/100 100/100 33.1 % E

Mark for real assessment component for the student (%) = (?(Assessment Mark x Weightage)/(Total Mark of Summative Components in %))  x 100%

= (Final exam x weightage)/60) x 100%

= (33 x 0.6)/60) x 100%

= 33/60 x 100%

= 33 < 35

Hence, the student’s grade is E and fails the course.

