Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment

Current Undergraduate Students

Latest News

General Information

The purpose of the engineering undergraduate programmes is to produce engineers who can use scientific knowledge for wealth creation thus leading to better living standard. Hence, engineers should be innovative, creative and highly ethical in inventing and producing necessities for community such as vehicles, bridges, water utilities, communication devices and buildings. These efforts is inline with Vision 2020 which put up challenges to engineers to develop Malaysia as a fully industrial nation with high technology as well as posessing high moral and ethics. The engineering programmes should lead to holictic and creative thinking. Graduates produced will have better chance to have good career and and to suit with current demands.

New Students Briefing

A warm welcome

Pengenalan Pengurusan FKAB Minggu Apresiasi Watan 2023

Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina

Academic Mentoring System

Mentoring is a method of academic guidance in improving the level of student competence. This mentoring involves all students regardless of their achievement performance. Each student who registers at FKAB has been determined by their respective mentor by the department.
Starting semester 1 of the 2017/2018 Study Session, all students need to meet with their mentors for guidance and advice so that students' academic performance always improves. This meeting is COMPULSORY and needs to be held at the beginning of the semester. The Mentor-Mentee Form has been prepared and students need to bring this form to be filled by their respective mentors and then submit the form to the Dean’s Office or together with the course add and drop form before the 4th week.
All students need to bring the semester 2 examination result slip of Session 2016/17 to meet with the mentor for monitoring purposes. Students of year 1 and year 2 engineering programs at the session will need to bring the Student Academic Portfolio to facilitate the mentor to evaluate and monitor the achievement of their attributes.

Industrial Training


  • To provide exposure to students to specific engineering or architecture practices in the respective fields and types of of industries selected,
  • To provide exposure to students to responsibility of becoming an engineer or architect and the profession of engineering or architecture,
  • To instill communication skills in engineering which include daily interaction with the working environment and technical writing.


The duration of the training shall be ten (10) weeks in Semester III, i.e.:

  • After completing the third year for students from the Engineering programmes, or
  • After completing the second year for students from the Architectural Science programme.


  • When a student is sent to an external organisation, he/she will be fully liable to the organisation. His/her attitude must be according to the working scheme, rules and regulations of the organisation. For example, the student may only take leave upon approval from the organisation. To ensure effective supervision by the organisation, the student is not required to report to the supervisor at the university, unless when necessary under certain circumstances from time to time for coordination purposes.

  • Although the student will always be registered to the university during the training, the assessment done by the organisation on his/her at the end of the training will be taken as part of the evaluation of his/her overall performance and can result in his/her success and failure in undertaking the course.

  • At the end of the training period, the organisation at which the student undergone his/her training will be required to make assessment on the attitude and performance of the student during training. For the purpose of uniformity, a dedicated evaluation form will be provided by UKM where the organisation is only required to answer several questions.


The evaluation components for the Industrial Training are as follows:

Log Book

  • The Log Book is used by students to write the training details and can serve as a daily record for tasks performed during the training. It is a responsibility of the student to record all notes in the log book and to keep its content always updated. Each note has to be verified by the supervisor frequently. The Log Book should contain objectives for each daily activities, list of tools used, process flow diagrams, flow charts, sketches, data and related circuit diagrams, results and outcomes of the activities, constructive comments, analysis and references to text books, standards and other technical information.

Executive Summary (for Engineering Programmes only)

  • The Executive Summary is a brief report about matters reported in the Log Book. It is aimed to teach the student about writing an effective report about industrial training activities performed. The student is also given opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the training.

Employer’s Report

  • This aspect is assessed by the supervisor at the external organisation by filling a form provided in the Log Book. The marking scheme is according the category listed in the form. Apart from this method, the evaluation is also made by the visiting lecturer. The evaluation by the lecturer are based on discussion with the supervisor, the student and other personnel such as the manager and the director of the industry.

Communication, Ethics and Professionalism

  • This aspect is assessed through seminar presentation by the students, as well as obidience to all procedures and directions by the coordinators during the application process, the acceptance for industrial training placement and the students’ adaptation to the working environment at the training place.

For more details, please contact your industrial training coordinator:

Conditions for Passing Courses

Click here for more details:

SPPP and e-FaCt

Please be advised that Sistem Penilaian Pengajaran dan Penyeliaan (SPPP) and Sistem Aduan dan Maklum Balas UKM (e-FaCt) was established to provide convenience to the students. Both of these systems have different goals and roles, which the students must choose and fill in the relevance system according to the situation. The faculty takes serious attention to any suggestion from the students where they are advised to use both systems ethically so that it will benefit everyone.


  • SPPP is a system that evaluates the quality of teaching from the students’ perspective. It is one of the official customer feedback systems used to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti (SPK) MS ISO 9001:2008 Pengurusan Pengajian Prasiswazah dan Siswazah (by coursework). In addition, all input obtained from the students through this system are also used for continuous quality improvement program. For example, students are required to fill in a feedback form to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching and learning that has taken place in the last semester so that any improvement can be made for the following session.

This system can be accessed at https://appsmu.ukm.my/sppp/
