LPIER5R Collects Over 130,000 Kilograms of Recycled Goods

SUNGAI PETANI, 16 October 2023 – A total of 132,010.39 kilograms of recyclables were successfully collected within six months from April to September 2023 through the program to Reduce the Impact of Plastic on the Environment Through the 5R Module (Reject, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover) or LPIE5R . The program implemented in 80 secondary schools throughout Kedah also involved a total of 2,800 people, consisting of students, teachers, and support staff. According to the Deputy Dean (Undergraduate) of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the National University of Malaysia (UKM), Prof. Assoc. Ir. Dr. Shuhaida Harun, this success has exceeded the minimum target set and shows the commitment of the participants in an effort to reduce the use of plastic. “This program not only achieved the minimum target but also showed a great impact by involving almost 5,250 individuals from a total of 150 schools throughout the program running since 2022. “The success of the LPIE5R program in the State of Kedah is a positive initial step in achieving this goal and inculcating sustainability practices among the Malaysian community,” he said. He added that, in the context of Malaysia, data released by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) shows that Malaysia has the second highest level of plastic consumption in the Asian region, with an average consumption of 16.78 kilograms of plastic per year. According to him, this data is very worrying and shows a high dependence on the use of plastic among the Malaysian population. “Therefore, the Malaysian government has taken proactive steps in dealing with this problem by introducing the Roadmap Towards Zero Use of Single-Use Plastics 2018-2030. “This Roadmap aims to achieve the aspiration of zero single-use plastic use by 2030. With only 7 years left before this target, this effort becomes increasingly important,” he said. He also emphasized that the sustainability of the environment is our shared responsibility, and this effort is important to ensure that a healthy and sustainable environment can be inherited by future generations.

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