UKM 2030 Low Carbon Campus Launch Ceremony In conjunction with the Strategy Center Anniversary Celebration and UKM Sustainability Day 2024
The Secretary-General of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Natural Sustainability, Datuk Dr Ching Thoo A/L Kim completed the UKM 2030 Low Carbon Campus Launch Ceremony, organized by the UKM Strategy Center at the Chancellery today.
This program was also held in conjunction with the UKM Strategy Center’s 10th Anniversary Celebration and Sustainability Day Celebration.
Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Mr. Ts. Dr. Mohd. Ekhwan Hj. Toriman in his speech said UKM people are always committed to driving this university towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 through various initiatives.
He hopes that the initiatives taken can ensure that the aspect of sustainability remains a key activity in UKM’s core processes starting from university governance to the daily activities of UKM citizens.
At this event, there was also a prize-giving session for the winners of the activities that took place in conjunction with UKM’s Sustainability Day, namely poetry recitation competitions, creating posters, sustainable gardens and ‘sustain your steps’.
Also present, Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and International Affairs, Prof. Dr. Abdul Halim Abdul Gafor; Pro Vice Chancellor (Strategy and Policy) and Chairman of the UKM Sustainability Day Celebration Committee, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Roslee Rajikan; Pro Vice Chancellor (Generation and Infrastructure), Prof. Dr. Norhamidi; and carrying out the duties of the Registrar, Tuan Haji Zanudin Mohd Daud.