Global Health Congress 2023 at the University of Tokyo, Japan
UKM is pleased to receive an invitation as a ‘guest speaker’ at the Global Health Congress 2023 which will be held at the University of Tokyo, Japan on 25 November 2023. For UKM’s outstanding success in the Healthy University Rating System (HURS) organized by the ASEAN University Network – Health Promotion Network (AUN) -HPN), UKM was invited to share health promotion initiatives and university best practices in a forum titled “Building a Healthier Future: Exploring best practices on Healthy University Rating System (HURS) in ASEAN Universities”.
Prof. Dato’ Dr. Roslee Rajikan, Pro Vice Chancellor (Strategy & Corporate Development) represented the university at this forum and congress, as well as attending the 8th AUN-HPN International Advisory Committee (IAC) Meeting on 24 November 2023.