SDG 17 acknowledges that achieving the Sustainable Development Goals requires collaboration among various stakeholders. Effective partnerships for shared goals can be established between governments, as well as between governments, businesses, and civil society organizations. UKM has several interactions, collaborations, and initiatives with various stakeholders to ensure that all SDGs can be achieved.

Forging stronger partnerships can advance environmental protection and sustainable development by pooling resources, fostering knowledge exchange, promoting the development and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies, and enhancing capabilities.

UKM have direct involvement in, or input into, national government or regional non-government organisations SDG policy development

In 2022, UKM have direct involvement in or input into Malaysian government and regional NGOs’ SDG policy development, including identifying problems and challenges, developing policies and strategies, modelling likely futures with and without interventions, monitoring and reporting on interventions, and enabling adaptive management.

UKM works with the national ministries, including Ministry of Health for National Dental Health Policy, and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) for National Biotechnology Policy 2.0. These contribute to and strengthen the SDGs in Malaysia. UKM also worked with regional NGO to develop policies related to environment and sustainability.

UKM expert, Prof. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali is appointed as Malaysia’s Governor to the Governing Board of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), acting as advisor on economic priorities and interest of the Government.

National Government’s SDG Policy Development

1. National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy Workshop and Disaster Management Bill Discussion

National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy Workshop and the discussion of the Disaster Management Bill has been held for three days from 8 to 10 February 2022, located in the Vision Hall, Search Team Headquarters and Malaysia Special Rescue (SMART), Meranti Island. This workshop organized by the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA) together with the Southeast Asian Disaster Research Center (SEADPRI-UKM), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a strategic partner for formulation of the National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy.


2. Workshop on Finalizing the Drafting of the National Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Policy

Agency : Disaster Management Agency National (NADMA)

Workshop on Finalizing Risk Reduction Policy Formulation National Disaster (DRR) and Draft Drafting Discussion The National Disaster Management Agency Bill has held for three days from 21-23 March 2022, located at Shangri-La Golden Sands, Penang is an extension from the National Disaster Risk Reduction Policy workshop which was held in February 2022. This workshop which jointly organized by the Disaster Management Agency National (NADMA) and its strategic partner Center for Disaster Studies Southeast Asia, National University of Malaysia (SEADPRI-UKM), was officiated by YBrs. Tuan Jamil Derus bin Ahmad, Deputy Director General, Disaster Planning and Preparedness Division

NADMA and was attended by 35 participants consisting of NADMA officers from various sections such as the Policy Section and Planning, Community and Social Development Section, Operations Implementation Section, Mitigation Section and Control Center National Disaster Response Force (NDCC) as well as several researchers SEADPRI-UKM.


3. Accounting HT4: AaDab Infused Curriculum for Malaysian Universities

Agency : Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia

The overall objective is to ensure the curriculum is up-to-date and includes the latest developments in the market to produce competent graduates.

The HT4 implementation workshop will unpack the meaning and essence of the AaDab© infused curriculum, an initiative that brings together academics, professionals, and industry to champion a cause for the nation’s building.

The HT4 initiatives would bridge present gaps and weaknesses in the delivery of accounting education with an emphasis on collective actions and collaborative learning among universities, profession, and industry.


4. Malaysian Youth Development Research Institute (IYRES) Strategic Plan 2021-2025

Agency : Malaysian Youth Development Research Institute (IYRES), Ministry of Youth and Sports

Committee : Think Tank IYRES

The preparation of the Malaysian Youth Development Research Institute (IYRES) Strategic Plan 2021-2025 is a continuation and improvement of the IYRES Strategic Plan 2016-2020. This strategic plan outlines a clear direction for IYRES to realize its vision of “Youth Development Research Leader and Youth Data Reference Center By 2035”. This strategic plan has been formulated based on the results obtained through a series of meetings and workshops held in 2020 and 2021. The output produced is a combination of input and feedback received from all divisions, branches and units at IYRES.

In addition, this strategic plan also refers to the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS) 2021-2025, the Twelfth Malaysia Plan (RMKe-12) 2021-2025, the Shared Prosperity Vision 2030, the Youth Organizations and Youth Development Act 2007 (Act 668 ) and the Malaysian Youth Policy (DBM) 2015-2035. In general, this strategic plan has established the function and role of IYRES in line with the role of KBS in improving its service delivery system in line with current government policy and forming a more prosperous, prosperous and united Malaysia through youth development and sports culture.


5. The National Biotechnology Policy (DBN 2.0)

Agency : Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI)


The National Biotechnology Policy (DBN 2.0) will focus on three main pillars, namely Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Security; Healthcare and Wellness and Industrial Biotechnology and the Circular Economy.

this policy will strengthen the existing biotechnology ecosystem to solve national challenges such as food security, pandemic management and climate change crisis through local biotechnology solutions


6. The National Dental Health Policy

Agency : Ministry of Health Malaysia

Committee : National Dental Health Policy Technical Committee

The National Dental Health Policy was formulated following engagement sessions with various parties interested parties (stakeholders) consisting of the government, private sector, academics, organizations non-governmental and dental professional bodies. This policy is important for service delivery dental health can be achieved by the entire Malaysian population regardless of background status their economy. This document also covers the background of dental health services in Malaysia and the need to develop a National Dental Health Policy. In addition, this document also outlines the main principles and strategic core to address five (5) strategic dental health issues in Malaysia.


7. Pahang Women’s Policy and Action Plan 2022-2026

Agencies : Pahang State Government

Committee : Parent Committee and Leadership Cluster Committee

The Malaysian Government’s efforts in achieving gender equality have enabled women to experience progress in various fields such as education, health and employment. The well-being of women’s lives is also one of the main agendas by ensuring that women’s rights are protected and their welfare is preserved.


8. National Robotics Roadmap 2021-2030

Agencies : MOSTI

Committee : ASM Task Force on Robotics for the National Robotics Roadmap Development


9. Islamic Accounting Standards for Baitulmal, Zakat and Waqf (PPIBZW)

Agencies : Malaysian National Accountant Department


10. Atomic Energy Licensing (Small Amang Plant) (Exemption) (Repeal) Order 2021

Agencies : Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB)


11. Kelantan Women’s Policy (Revision 2021)

Agencies : Ukekwa of the Kelantan Government

Committee : Kelantan Women’s Policy Review Committee

The Kelantan government has chosen the policy of Developing Together with Islam based on ‘Ubudiyah (servitude to God), Masuliyah (responsibility) and Itqan (perseverance). From the policy it is clear that the Kelantan Government aims for a development based on Islam and Sharia.


Regional Nongovernment’s SDG Policy Development

1. Greening Malaysia TOT Workshop: Cooperative Cares for a Million Trees

Agency : Angkatan Koperasi Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA)


Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (ANGKASA) in collaboration with its strategic partner, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) continues the initiative to increase awareness of environmental care among school students through the “Training of Trainers” teaching and learning workshop “Malaysia Greening: The Cooperative Cares for a Million Trees” which has been held at the UKM Botanical Gardens, Bangi.

Through the Greening of Malaysia initiative: Cooperative Prihatin Sejuta Pokok, ANGKASA and UKM have published the Education and Learning module “Sejuta Pokok Segunung Pokok” to be used by 2,473 school cooperatives throughout Malaysia with a membership of approximately 1.98 million individual members. This module aims to raise awareness about the importance of conserving forests and the environment as well as provide basic education related to tree types and physiology, plant concepts, tree care and compost production, guidelines for measuring tree growth and maintenance of tree plants. This module is shared with members of school cooperatives and IPT Cooperatives through the Training of Trainers workshop conducted by ANGKASA and UKM.

2. Challenges of Green Technology for the Conversion of Sustainable and High Value Products in the Palm Oil Industry

Agency : UKM-YSD and Institute of Islamic Understanding Malaysia


3. Making Sense of Sensor : A New Way To Conduct Real-Time Monitoring, Evaluating Model and Source Estimation For Isoprene and Surface Ozone In Remote Area of Peninsula Antartica

Agency : Sultan Mizan Antarctic Research Foundation

Committee : Dr Mohd Shahrul bin Mohd Nadzir

4. eToyBox: Online Learning Platform to Address Childhood Obesity

In an effort to combat childhood obesity issues in Malaysia, the first Malay-language online learning platform, eToyBox, has been launched with the goal of transforming the landscape of early health education in the country. Spearheaded by a dedicated team of researchers from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), Roehampton University, and Durham University, eToyBox aims to provide teaching materials for early childhood education on healthy living habits to preschool teachers.

eToyBox is developed as a result of the successful ToyBox Study Malaysia initiative aimed at maximizing the reach and impact of kindergarten-based healthy behaviour interventions across the country. According to the Malaysia Project Leader for ToyBox Study Malaysia, Prof Dr Poh Bee Koon, the compatibility of the module content and the usability of the eToyBox platform have been evaluated and refined by nutrition experts and early childhood educators.


UKM Experts

Prof. Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Noor Azlan Ghazali

  • 2023 – Director of the Malaysian Inclusive Development and Advancement Institute (MINDA UKM)
  • Apr 2022 – selected as Fulbright Malaysian Scholar Program
  • June 2022 – appointed as Malaysia’s Governor in the Governing Board of the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) for the term 2023 to 2025



Prof. Datuk Dr. Denison Jayasooria

  • Professor and Co-chair Malaysian CSO SDG Alliance
  • Chair of Asian solidarity Economy Council (ASEC)
  • Board member of RIPESS


Profesor Ulung Datuk Dr. Shamsul Amri Baharuddin

  • 2023 – Chairman of the National Professors Council (MPN)
  • 2023 – become a UNESCO CHAIR holder at UKM

Institute of Ethnic Studies (KITA), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), in February 2019, was awarded a UNESCO CHAIR in the field Social Practices in Intercultural Communication and Social Cohesion,’ a research chair. This is a UNESCO CHAIR first in UKM and first in Malaysia in the field of intercultural communication focusing on ethnic studies and social unity.


UKM initiate and participate in cross-sectoral dialogue about the SDGs, e.g. conferences involving government/NGOs

UKM initiated and participated in cross-sectoral dialogue about SDGs, for instance, conferences involving government/NGOs. UKM actively promotes the agenda of SDG through dialogues, conference and workshops with strategic collaborators. Throughout the year 2022, about more than ten cross sectoral dialogues with various partners had been participated by UKM’s top management, in addressing the issues on the SDGs.

For example, UKM Vice Chancellor had attended several international dialogue sessions related to the sustainability of digital education, social science and education.

UKM organizing cross-sectoral dialogue about SDGs

1. STACLIM 2022 – 5th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications in Climate Change

The 5th International Conference on Science and Technology Applications in Climate Change (STACLIM 2022) will be held virtually on 29-30 November 2022. Following the success of 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2021 STACLIM, the Centre for Tropical Climate Change System (IKLIM), under the Institute of Climate Change (IPI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) is proud to extend our promotion of research and education for the advancement of climate change studies.

The STACLIM 2022 with the theme “Climate change mitigation action through the lens of science and technology” will be the fifth in the series of conferences organised by IPI. This event is envisaged to witness active participation from various eminent environmental and earth scientists, researchers, engineers and students from academia, industry and government sectors for addressing complications associated with climate change and to draw forth novel and ground-breaking initiatives and solutions for climate resilience.


2. Webinar Climate Change Leaders: Leading the Action Against Climate Change (Series 2) – ‘University’s Role in the Climate Change Battle: Leadership in ASEAN Universities’

The Higher Education Leadership Academy (AKEPT) in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) will implement a Webinar program Climate Leaders: Leading the Action Against Climate Change (Series 2) – “University’s Role in the Climate Change Battle: Leadership in Asean Universities”

3. Live Webinar: Transition to Net Zero Carbon Emission 2050

4. Workshop on Sustainability & Transformation in the Plam Oil Industry

5. 5th International Seminar on Islamic Civilization

The 5th International Seminar of Islamic Civilization (ISIC) has been held on 9th & 10th February 2022, and jointly organized by UKM (Institute of Islamic Hadhari, Chair of Excellence Sheikh Abdullah Fahim, School of Liberal Studies and Faculty of Islamic Studies) and Chengchi University, Taipei Taiwan. This seminar, with theme “Islam : Shaping the World Civilization” focused on several sub-themes such as Islamic Law, Arabic Studies (Language, Linguistics, Culture, etc.) and Islamic Civilization in Non-Muslim World, and was available for free for national and international stakeholders including researchers, scholars and other interested individuals.

6. Metabolomics: An Emerging Technology for Sustainable Agriculture

On 11th March 2022, Metabolomics : An Emerging Technology for Sustainable Agriculture was organized by Institute of Systematic Biology (INBIOSIS) UKM to discuss on the importance of metabolomics for modern and sustainable agriculture. This webinar was fourth in INBIOSIS Webinar Lecture Series, and delivered by the deputy director of INBIOSIS herself, Assoc. Prof. Dr Syarul Nataqain Baharum. INBIOSIS achieved another success with this program, as it attracted many participants to join this informative and interesting lecture session.

7. The 5th Regional Course on UNESCO Global Geopark 2022: Utilising Geosites for Geotourism Products

Langkawi Development Authority (LADA) in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Asia Pacific Geoparks Networks (APGN) & Global Geopark Networks (GGN) has organized The 5th Regional Course on UNESCO Global Geopark (RCUGG ’22) with the theme of Utilizing Geosites for Geotourism Products. This 3-day workshop was attended by expert speakers from various countries including Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Iran and Malaysia.

The research experts from UKM who run this workshop are Prof. Emeritus Dato’ Dr. Ibrahim Komoo, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Norzaini Azman, Prof. Dr. Che Aziz Ali and Prof. Dr. Norhayati Ahmad. Mr. Othman Ayeb, as Geopark Ambassador and Associate Fellow of the Langkawi Research Center (PPL-UKM) was also involved as a speaker in this workshop. Apart from the field trip to the PPL-UKM Gallery, the workshop participants were also taken on a tour of several locations and geosites around Langkawi Island, including the Georimba Kambria Machinchang and Kars Kilim areas. Dr. Juliana Senawi, Head of PPL-UKM was also present to give a briefing and explanation at the PPL-UKM Gallery

8. The 7th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium (APGN) – “UNESCO Global Geoparks: Building Sustainable Communities”

The 7th Asia Pacific Geoparks Network Symposium (APGN) 2022 is scheduled for September 4–11, 2022 at Songkhla Rajabhat University, Satun Campus and UNESCO Global Geoparks covering four districts in Satun, comprising Mueang Satun, La-Ngu, Thung Wa, and Manang, as well as other key landmarks in the province. This year’s geoparks networking conference will be held in person under the theme “UNESCO Global Geoparks Building Sustainable Communities” to foster collaboration and engagement with a shared goal to achieve geographical sustainability. The 7th APGN 2022 in Satun features representatives from the UNESCO Global Geoparks Council, GGN Executive Board, APGN Advisory Committees, APGN Committees, APGN members from countries in Asia-Pacific, members of geoparks network in Thailand, tourism communities in designated geoparks, and delegates from relevant organizations in the public and private sectors and education institutions, totaling more than 1,000 participants.


9. Post COP 27 Dialogue- Science, Technology and Innovation to Boost Climate Ambition

The 27th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP 27) from 8-16 Nov 2022, is paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle the global challenge of climate change. As the thought leader in science, technology, innovation and economy for a progressive, harmonious, prosperous, and sustainable society, the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM) is mobilizing action in key areas such as water, energy, health, agriculture, biodiversity, environment, digitalization and blue economy. Climate ambition to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts is relevant to all these themes. This is the context for the POST COP 27 Dialogue on STI to boost climate ambition to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts, convened by the ASM Committee on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (CC & DRR). Two keynote presentations will outline highlights from COP 27, and this will be followed by viewpoints from selected experts in framing a pathway forward.


10. Dialogue on Climate Change 2022: Risks, Adaptation and Mitigation – Implications and Way Forward

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has confirmed that humans have contributed to global warming of about 1.1°C since pre-industrial times. This has caused widespread changes to the atmosphere, natural ecosystems and the oceans. Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe. In the worst case scenario should climate actions fail, global warming of 1.5°C will be exceeded in the next two decades. Malaysia can anticipate increased frequency and intensity of heavy rainfall and hazards associated with rainfall such as floods, flash floods, mudflows, landslides, of which all have already occurred in our country.


11. The 29th International Sustainable Development Research Society: Half-way Through Agenda 2030

The International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) is pleased to announce its 29th annual conference to be held (virtual and physical) on the 11-13th July 2023 hosted by the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The Malaysia conference will take place in the mid of Agenda 2030, seven years and a half after SDGs was first launched in 2015, and seven years and a half more towards 2030. It goes without saying that the most appropriate theme for the 2023 conference is to assess the 5P of SDGs: people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership. Let us recall the commitment made by country leaders worldwide to the 5P in 2015.


12. Sustainability Talk Series 2/2022 Sustainable Consumption and Production- Why It Is Important?

UKM-YSD Chair for Sustainability had held second talk on Sustainability Talk Series, this time with theme “Sustainable Consumption Production – Why It Is Important?” on 14 April 2022. This webinar was available online for all who interested, and was delivered by Prof. Dr. Sumiani Yusoff, Director of Institute of Ocean & Earth (IOES), University of Malaya. In this talk session, we discussed on sustainable consumption and production, global sustainability issues, environmental issues as well as food waste and energy consumption.


13. CSR ‘It’s Time for Our River’

The CSR program “It’s Time For Our River” was held on 26 June 2022 at 8.30 am at the Friends of Langat River (FOLR) Recreation Site, UKM. This CSR program has been sponsored by the Ethical Company Group in collaboration with FST and FOLR.

This program was attended by Dato Seri Ir Dr Zaini Ujang, Secretary General of the Ministry of Environment (KASA) and President of Friends of River Malaysia (FORM), Prof Dato’ Ir. Ts. Dr. Othman A. Karim, Deputy President of FORM, Prof. ChM. Dr Ishak Ahmad, Dean of the UKM Faculty of Science and Technology and officiated by Mr Santharuban Thurai Sundaram, Chief Executive Officer of the Ethical Company Group and Mr Nazurudeen Meerah Ghany, Senior Vice President of Human Resources and Sustainability ambassador of the Ethical Company Group.


14. International Conference on Sustainable Renewable & Energy Efficiency

International Conference on Sustainable, Renewable & Energy Efficiency (ICSREE 2022) is organized by Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) with the primary aim of creating a holistic hybrid sharing and learning platform (physical and online) for researchers from various backgrounds. In collaboration with The University of Nottingham UK, a special workshop on Innovation in Sustainable Cooling Technology supported by the British Council, Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology (MIGHT), and The Royal Society, is also being held as a part of this event. It is our sincerest hope that this event will be an inspiration to the current and future generations to embrace and embark towards the green and clean energy era.


15. Local and Global Perspectives on Sustainable Waste Management

On 23th June 2022, UKM, particularly Department of Occupational Health and Safety (JKKP-UKM) along with CESPRO-UKM and Sime Darby Berhad had invited three experts from University of Arkansas, government agencies and TNB Research Sdn Bhd to discuss on “Local and Global Perspectives on Sustainable Waste Management” in online platform Zoom. The subtopics delivered during this webinar was “Promoting a circular economy through sustainable wastewater and agricultural residue management” by Prof. Dr. Ranil Wickramasinghe, “Stories beyond the bin” by Dr Theng Lee Chong, and “Flue gas pyrolysis of organic and plastic waste” by Ir. Dr. Mooktzeng Lim.


16. Climate Leaders: Leading The Action Againts Climate Change. Universities and Sustainable Communities: Towards A Green Agenda

The Climate Leaders: Leading the Action Against Climate Change program is a leadership and technical learning series that aims to increase the capacity of climate change practitioners in the Southeast Asian region by helping them to transform communities and at the same time address the effects of climate change. The Climate Leaders: Leading the Action Against Climate Change program is an initiative of the Leadership Sustainability Center (AKEPT) and organized by the Institute of Climate Change, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as one of the commitments in identifying transformations and actions that can be taken to address the major challenges of climate change. This program is designed to shape the university’s leadership in strengthening its contribution to the local community and sustainable global community. It will serve as a medium platform to strengthen the university’s role in equipping graduates with comprehensive education and understanding the global climate change issues.


17. The Chemical Manufacturing Industry: Its Environmental & Social Risks & Opportunities

The Sustainability Roundtable series is part of Hong Leong Bank’s initiative in raising awareness and to inspire change among our clients when it comes to seizing opportunities in sustainability & developing ESG readiness.

This webinar will highlight:

1. Governments’ policies and future direction for environmental & safety standards in the chemical manufacturing sector.

2. What companies can do to promote higher environmental & safety standards

3. What are the benefits of high environmental, health & safety standards to chemical manufacturing companies

4. The Banks’ role in promoting higher environmental & safety standards within the chemical manufacturing sector.


18. Regional Conference and Roundtable on Climate Change Policy and Law

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the International Islamic University Malaysia which is also the 40th anniversary of Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws, and in line with the objective of the Climate Change Policy and Law (CCPL) Centre and Harun M. Hashim Law Centre to deliver awareness raising events as part of its dissemination and exploitation strategies, the Ahmad Ibrahim Kulliyyah of Laws (AIKOL) is committed to conduct the Regional Roundtable on Climate Change Policy and Law.

Environmental law and climate change are now crucial aspects of policy decision-making and governance. AIKOL is proud to have dedicated academics who are experts in the areas of environmental law, climate change law, energy law, land law, and international law. For many years AIKOL has undertaken a leadership role in environmental and climate change research, both, at local and international fronts as well as in delivering a high quality environmental and climate change education through various forms and approaches at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


19. International Conference on Research and Innovation in Sustainable Cities

The International Conference on Research and Innovation in Sustainable Cities (ICRISC 2022) is an international conference that will bring together academic scientists, researchers, students, industry practitioners and scholars from around the world to present and share their recent research results, innovations, ideas, developments, and applications in the area of urban sustainability.


20. 13th International Symposium Health Sciences 2022 (i-Sihat 2022)

The i-SIHAT 2022 Symposium is a biennial event organised by the Faculty of Health Sciences, UKM. The symposium aims to address the continuous vision of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, for a nation working together for better health and rehabilitation knowledge, research and services. In addition, it also aims to fulfill the vision of the Ministry of Education Malaysia in achieving learned individuals for a prosperous nation especially in this era of industrial revolution (IR) 4.0. The symposium will provide a medium for health related professionals and scientists in Malaysia and other countries in exchanging scientific information and skills.


21. International Conference on Sustainable, Renewable & Energy Efficiency (ISCREE 2022)

2022 7th International Conference on Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering (ICSREE 2022) was successfully held online during May 5-7, 2022. The conference program is highlighted by 3 keynote & invited talks and 5 oral sessions. Participants are mainly from France, Spain, Poland, China and so on. On May 5, test sessions were conducted to help participants get familiar with the online platform. On May 6, conference chair: Prof. Monica Siroux (INSA Strasbourg ICUBE, University of Strasbourg) delivered the opening remarks and then chaired the keynote & invited talks. The audiences actively took part in discussion and communication. One best presenter was selected from each session and awarded at the closing ceremony on May 7.


UKM participating in cross-sectoral dialogue about SDGs

1. QS EduData Summit 2022

In 2022 The QS EduData Summit returned in hybrid form – with delegates joining both online and, for the first time since 2019, in person. Hosted at the United Nations Delegates Dining Room in New York, and streamed live at the same time, data experts from across the globe met to discuss the role data can play in creating sustainable and inclusive life-long learning.


2. QS Education Summit Asia Pacific 2022

QS Higher Ed Summit APAC 2022 focused on the future direction of education in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as looking for new challenges in developing education in the Asia-Pacific region. Regarded as a Global Education Community Platform of higher education institutions, the event provided opportunities for administrators from higher education institutions, researchers, CEOs, and leading academics from both public and private sectors from all over the world to meet and exchange ideas.


3. THE Campus Live Southeast Asia 2022

THE Campus Live SE Asia brings together academic and administrative higher education leaders along with industry partners and policy experts to discuss, debate and plan how to achieve institutional success.

As Southeast Asia regroups after the pandemic, we ask how the sector can contribute towards economic development, and examine higher education’s transformative role in empowering individuals, institutions and wider society.

Hosted in partnership with De La Salle University, the event explores innovative ways of remodelling universities’ systems and increasing resilience.

Sector experts and key decision-makers will offer delegates practical advice, ideas and solutions to the most pressing strategic challenges facing institutions.


4. SDGs Youth Symposium 2022

Realizing the role of students as conveyers of messages and implementers of global policies, a 2022 SDGs Youth Symposium was held at the Faculty of Social and Community Sciences of the National University of Malaysia – UKM. Themed “SDG Sustainable Development Goals”, this program is organized by the History, Politics and Strategy Students Association (PESEPSI), UKM.

MBM President, Mr. Mohd Izzat Afifi Abdul Hamid was present as a panelist discussing the topic of ‘History and Continuity of the Youth Movement in Malaysia in Encountering Holistic Quality Education’.


5. Conference on the 2nd Practice and Mediation Review Course of Royal Thai Police and Seminar on Directions in Social Science at Burapha University

6. The ASEM Global Lifelong Learning Week

The ASEM Global Lifelong Learning Conference took place on University College Cork campus situated in Cork City, Ireland from September 26th to September 30th 2022. The conference was attended both in-person and online by over 150 attendees from across Asia, Europe, North & South America, and Africa. The coordinators from all 6 research networks met in person to disseminate results of research and offer symposiums into their networks. Other events that took place include the ASEM LLL Hub International Advisory Council Meeting, International Adult and Continuing Education Hall of Fame Award Presentation, the Alfred O’Rahilly Lecture by professor Arne Carlson (HOF 2017), and the Bertram Windle Award, this year given to Professor Maria Slowey (HOF 2015) for outstanding achievements in lifelong learning and adult education. ECOLHE also offered a teaching practitioner workshop with a focus on curriculum development, which included a workshop by Professor Leslie Cordie, Auburn University.


7. Conference on Geopolitics and International Peace, Global Economy and Climate Change

The Yudhoyono Institute, in collaboration with Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia proudly presents the Roundtable Discussion on “Geopolitics and International Security, Global Economy and Climate Change.” Prominent speakers from Indonesia and Malaysia will attend this event as we continue our good partnership between our two countries. The Sixth President of Indonesia, and our beloved Chairman of TYI, Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, will deliver the keynote speech.


8. First Southeast Conference of Teachers and Teacher Educators

9. Climate Change and Impacts on Food Security

On 6 December 2022, Dr Nor Diana Mohd Idris, Research Fellow at the Institute of Environment and Development (LESTARI) was invited as a guest speaker at the Public Lecture Program organized by USK’s Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Acheh Indonesia. Head of the USK Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Dr. Ir. Indera Sakti Nasution, S.TP., M.Sc. in his speech he explained that the phenomenon of climate change is a problem that requires a technological solution, especially to overcome the impact on the agricultural sector.


University as a body participate in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs

UKM participate in several ways, in international collaboration on gathering or measuring data for the SDGs. UKM through Solar Energy Research Institute together with The Royal Society and University of Nottingham had developed a sustainable cooling system by using solar energy resources. This SDG 7-related project is a promising technology that provides “cooling on demand” for buildings and helps accelerating access to comfort cooling to families in developing countries. Other than this project, UKM, particularly research experts and academicians have also collaborated on gathering and measuring data for the SDGs in various disciplines.

Research collaboration

1. A Noval Cooling System For Buildings Using Phase Change Material

The development of sustainable cooling systems becomes a major challenge in developing countries such as Malaysia. In Malaysia, buildings consume a total of 48% of the electricity generated in the country which is mainly for space cooling and operating appliances. Statistics shows that about 50% of households in Malaysia own A\C appliances. Cooling in Malaysia is crucial not only to provide human comfort but also to address the heat-stressed related issues of its citizens such as physiological stress, intensified illness, and an increased risk of death from exposure to excess heat. Future economic growth crucially depends on the long-term availability of energy from affordable, accessible, and environmentally friendly sources. 

The results of the project will help to accelerate access to comfort cooling to families in developing countries. Outside the consortium, PCM-Cool presents the opportunity to meet sustainable energy development targets with relative ease. Significant economic opportunities exist in the provision of finance and installation to meet the requirements of the PCM-Cool enabled energy market.


2. A Noval Solar Assisted Dehumidification and Cooling Technology for Building Cooling and Indoor Air Quality (CoolAQ)

Conventional vapour compression air conditioning systems involve deep cooling process to the dew point and reheating leads to higher energy wastage. Cooling with desiccant, as an alternative, could dehumidify the air with the help of its hygroscopic properties. Therefore, the energy required for a desiccant dehumidification process is about 30% less compared with conventional vapour compression system. Desiccant materials used can be either solid or liquid. In comparison to liquid, solid desiccants are compact,\ and less corrosive compared to liquid. However, in hot and humid climate a single stage desiccant cooling which normally coupled with evaporative cooler is not very efficient due to high humidity.


3. Lake Chini Conservation Cooperation

The United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) introduced a method of recognizing sites or areas of world heritage value through three programs, namely World Heritage Sites, Biosphere Reserves and UNESCO Global Geoparks. All three have a revaluation system to ensure heritage value is preserved, thus the recognition benefits the local community. The Biosphere Reserve practices an evaluation system every 10 years through progress reporting by authorized managers.

Tasik Chini with an area of ​​6,923 hectares was gazetted as the first Biosphere Reserve in the country on May 26, 2009 under UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Program (MAB). This recognition was made on the basis of the value of high biological diversity and the local community, namely the Orang Asli from the Jakun tribe, who depend heavily on the natural resources of the lake’s ecosystem.


Number of sustainability community services project organised and/or involving students

In 2022, UKM had more than 3 sustainability-related community services projects, either organized by students or involved students. These projects have impacted the community in elevating community living quality as well as industrial development margin. Through these projects, industry and community are empowered through capacity development initiatives, and has potential to be replicated to other communities in the sustainability aspect.

Sustainability community services project by UKM has also shown excellent leadership in volunteerism and services by the students and the community, hence raising champions among the community. Other impact of the sustainability community services project in UKM is that its collaboration with the outside community has strengthened its relationship and trust with UKM. The table below shows the sustainability services project organised and/or involving students. 

International Appointment

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasyikah Md Khalid
Board Member
International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS)
Assoc. Prof. Sr Ts. Gs. Dr. Khairul Nizam Abdul Maulud
International Fellowship
Building health resiliency systems through multilateral and interdisciplinary water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) interventions, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Australia Awards Fellowship, University of Technology Sydney
Prof. Dr. Kartini Aboo Talib Khalid
International Conference on Social Rights, Social Justice & Social Policies
Prof. Dr. D. Ravichandran K. Dhakshinamoorthy
Executive Leadership & Governance Programme for Kenya Institute of Management and MIM
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rosnah Ismail
One Health Disaster Front Liners Module Development
Prof. Dr. Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh
Technical Advisory Committee for Health Technologies Economic Evaluation (TACHTEE)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mahendra Rao Somalu
13th International Conference on Power, Energy and Electrical Engineering (CPEEE 2023)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. A`Dawiyah Binti Ismail
Japan Centre for Women & Children (JCWC) Dakwah and Leadership Advisory Council
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Novel Anak Lyndon


Cross-Cultural Communication among Chinese and Natives in Sarawak, Malaysia at Australian National University

Public Management and Social Inequality in Development Transformation at University of Sumatera Utara (USU)

Discuss collaboration with UNAIR at Universitas Airlangga
Prof. Dr. Mohd Fuad Mat JaliSpeaker

Collaborations between UKM and UNP at Universitas Negeri Padang

Kunjungan Semula Delegasi UKM ke Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP) untuk Menemui Pelajar at Gedung Rectorate and Research Center UNP
Prof. Datuk Dr. Muhammad Hussin
Workshop Program IISMA dan Studi Lanjut at Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Norasikin Ahmad Ludin


Working group member


Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
ASEAN COSTI for Sustainable Energy Research (SCSER)

Royal Society of Chemistry, United Kingdom

Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA)- Navigating the Complexities of Energy Transitions in ASEAN and East Asia Region

UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Energy Technology, University of Swansea, United Kingdom

ASEAN Centre of Energy (ACE)
Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Afida Ayob
Certified Energy Manager
ASEAN Centre of Energy (ACE)

Student Society

Student Association on Sustainability

UKM’s Friends of the Gardens Club

UKM Friends’ of the Gardens Club, is a students’ club organize various activities on environmental sustainability.


UKM EcoVolunteers Club

The establishment of EcoVolunteers Club started at Kolej Ibu Zain (KIZ) UKM in line with the college’s aspirations to become a sustainable college. This group is growing not only in the college but throughout UKM. EcoVolunteers Club focus on three aspects of the elements in their movement, namely Knowledge, Community Service and Health. Exposure to knowledge about the environment and its ecosystem is very important for ecovolunteer’s understanding of the function and role of the environment in our lives. The knowledge gained will be able to be used through a series of volunteering programs with the community in the form of lectures and various other activities to develop the ability to care for the environment. Therefore, all the efforts that have been taken in preserving the environment will be able to create a healthy and prosperous community and environment.

UKM EcoVolunteers Club work with various parties, whether with the government, private sector or non-governmental organizations and communities. The construction of this collaboration network will be able to provide added value to members and also to UKM as a leader in community and environmental development.


Environment and Green Energy of Malaysia Association (EniGMA-UKM)


Earth and Space Science Graduate Association

Earth Science Student Association (ESSA) are a group of student community mainly from Institute of Climate Change, UKM and collaboratives with others member from FST and FTSM.


MyAgrosis Club

The Myagrosis Club was established to help students interested in the basic agricultural and food industries. This club is directly guided by MARDI and UKM-CESMED. Club members will be given the opportunity to attend courses related to the basic fields of agriculture and food as a guide in running a business.