Last updated on: 28 March 2025
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia as a body pays all staff and faculty at least the living wage. UKM ensures fair and competitive remuneration aligned with Malaysia’s Public Service Remuneration Scheme, exceeding the minimum wage and poverty line income of RM2,208 set by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), supporting employees’ financial security and quality of life.
The structure consists of Basic Salary + Fixed Allowances + Variable Component = Total Income.
In January 2023, the Prime Minister announced a special RM100 annual salary increment for all civil servants, including UKM staff, in addition to the RM1,500 minimum wage policy. This increment applies to permanent, temporary, and contract officers appointed before Jan 1, 2023. UKM also offers Zakat financial aid for staff in need, covers RM12.3 million in medical expenses (including RM250 for dental care), and provides allowances—RM350 for living, RM300 for housing, and RM95 as a fixed benefit.

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) recognises unions for all, including women and international staff. All unions at UKM are officially registered and represent staff at every level, including academic, professional, and support staff.
For Academic Staff, the UKM Academic Staff Association (PKAUKM) is open to all, including international members of any nationality. For Professional Staff, the Administrative and Professional Officers Association (PERTADI) is available.
Support Staff have several unions, reflecting UKM’s commitment to valuing their contributions and ensuring their voices are heard. These include the Administrative and Operations Assistants Association (PTPO), UKM Secretaries Association (PSUKM), UKM General Staff Union (KESUKMA), UKM Security Officers Association (PAKAT), and UKM Assistant Administrative Officers Association (PERPENTA).
For Women Staff, the UKM Women’s Association (SUKMANITA) shows UKM’s ongoing support for women. The Retirees Associations (PPUKM) also serve their members.
UKM Academic Staff Association (PKAUKM)
The UKM Academic Staff Association, also known as PKAUKM, serves as the best platform for academic members to collectively advance the development of higher education in the country.
In line with its motto, “Caring for Members’ Welfare,” PKAUKM symbolises the aspirations of academics in seeking protection should their fundamental rights as educators and lecturers be compromised. PKAUKM took its first steps in the early 1980s, ensuring the welfare of academia. At that time, the main focus was on educating the nation’s youth to face the new era, both in terms of competence and national identity, in the workforce.
Examples of Activities Organised by PKAUKM in 2023:
The picture shows a poster for the webinar ‘Associate Professor Promotion Clinic Program’.
This picture shows a poster for the webinar ‘Publication Tips from Supervising Student Projects’.
Administrative and Professional Officers Association (PERTADI)
The Administrative and Professional Officers Association, or PERTADI for short, was officially inaugurated by Y.B. Tan Sri Dr. Anuwar bin Mahmud, Vice-Chancellor of UKM, on August 15, 1977. The ceremony was held in the Senate Room at UKM, and was also attended by senior UKM officers, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, the Registrar, the Treasurer, and the Chief Librarian.
PERTADI initiated the Buletin Ilham, published quarterly in digital format, as a platform for members to showcase their talents in writing short stories, poems, and novels, as well as to report their participation in various activities. These contributions are shared with all members, allowing them to engage and celebrate each other’s achievements.
Buletin Ilham Edition 2/2023:
Examples of Activities Organised and Participated by PERTADI in 2023:
Administrative and Operations Assistants Association (PTPO)
The Administrative and Operations Assistants Association (PTPO) was established following a meeting and discussion between Mr. Muhammad Yazid bin Othman, Ms. Noor Darlina Kasumawati Mohd Yusof, and Mr. Abdul Rahman Mohd Nordin, President of KESUKMA, on September 29, 2017.
PTPO is an active union, consistently organising activities to enhance the skills of its members.
Examples of Activities Organised by PTPO in 2023:
UKM Secretaries Association (PSUKM)
The UKM Administrative Secretarial Assistants Association, now known as PSUKM, was established in 2001. It began with an Ad-hoc Committee in April, which held meetings and prepared a proposal for approval by the university. Finally, on October 17, 2001, PSUKM was successfully established with the approval of MPU No. 39/2001. Alhamdulillah, it has continued to thrive and now has nearly 200 members, including Associate Members. The founder of PSUKM, Puan Salmah Kasmani, along with her colleagues, worked tirelessly until PSUKM was officially formed in 2002. In its early days, PSUKM successfully organised the first National Secretarial Seminar. To this day, PSUKM continues to hold the seminar every two years. The UKM Administrative Secretarial Assistants Association has since been rebranded as the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Secretaries Association (PSUKM).
Examples of Activities Organised by PSUKM in 2023:
PSUKM recently completed an official visit to the USM Secretaries Club to establish communication networks between the two public university secretarial associations.
UKM General Staff Union (KESUKMA)
The Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia General Staff Union, or KESUKMA for short, was registered on April 19, 1977, under the Trade Unions Act 1959 with registration number 519 in Selangor. Its history began as the Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia General Staff Association [PERKAM], which was established in 1972. It has since evolved from an association into a trade union representing nearly 2,000 support staff members from Groups I and II at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia.
Examples of Activities Organised by KESUKMA in 2023:
Members of KESUKMA UKM participated in the Madani Government One Year Anniversary Programme
KESUKMA UKM organised the Career Enhancement Program for Support Staff in Technological Evolution 2023 at Hotel Seri Malaysia Terengganu
UKM Security Officers Association (PAKAT)
PAKAT is the association for all security officers at UKM, with a primary focus on the welfare of its members. The association plays a vital role in assisting its members by safeguarding their well-being and acting as a liaison between employees and employers.
Examples of Activities Organised by PAKAT in 2023:
This picture shows PAKAT representatives visiting a UKM Bangi security officer, Mr. Mohd Hafizi Ahmad Termizi, who was involved in a motorcycle accident that resulted in a broken leg.
UKM Assistant Administrative Officers Association (PERPENTA)
Purpose of the Association:
To enhance professionalism, empower the members’ voice, strengthen relationships among members, promote career development, and advocate for the welfare of its members.
Role of the Association:
To represent members on work-related issues, organise development programs, training, and courses to improve members’ skills in governance, office management, and the latest technologies. Additionally, PERPENTA provides counselling or advice on career and personal development issues, including assistance in overcoming challenges in the work environment.
It also encourages members to consistently uphold good work ethics and maintain professionalism in all aspects of their work.
Examples of Activities Organised by PERPENTA in 2023:
This picture shows a poster for the forum ‘Scheduled Tax Deductions (PCB) for Civil Servants: Are You Clear?’ organised by the KESUKMA in collaboration with the PERPENTA.
UKM Women’s Association (SUKMANITA)
The Women’s Association of the University (UKM), or better known as SUKMANITA, was officially registered on March 23, 1982. The members of SUKMANITA consist of female UKM staff and the wives of UKM staff. This voluntary association is actively involved in charitable, religious, health, educational, and community activities.
SUKMANITA initiated SUARANITA, an e-bulletin designed to showcase a variety of topics, including featuring prominent women figures
SUARANITA Edition 76/2023:
Examples of Activities Organised by SUKMANITA in 2023:
UKM Retirees Association (PPUKM)

The establishment of the UKM Retirees Association (PPUKM) was officially registered by the Registrar of Societies Malaysia, effective from September 22, 2010.
It is an association that reunites all former UKM staff who have retired, allowing them to maintain and foster close ties with UKM. Through this association, various activities can be planned and carried out for the benefit and welfare of UKM retirees.
Examples of Activities Organised by PPUKM in 2023:
This picture shows the Healthy Senior Chair Exercise Activity and 10,000 Steps PAWE@UKM event organised by the Senior Citizens Activity Centre (PAWE) UKM and the UKM Retirees Association (PPUKM).
At Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), the commitment to equal pay for equal work is fundamental to its employment practices. The university strictly adheres to the remuneration standards set by the Malaysian Public Service Department, ensuring that salaries are based on job position and scheme of service. UKM is dedicated to fair and equitable compensation, providing all employees with equal pay for work of comparable value, regardless of gender.
To uphold this commitment, UKM actively monitors and evaluates pay scale equity across genders. By referencing the Index of Minimum-Maximum Salary Schedule for Malaysian Public Service (Lampiran D), which specifies that basic salary is determined by staff grade, UKM ensures its compensation practices remain transparent and free from gender bias. This proactive approach not only aligns with national standards but also reflects UKM’s dedication to fostering a fair and inclusive workplace.
The table below shows demonstration of equal compensation for male and female employees at the same grade:
Salary and Allowances Breakdown for Male and Female Staff
Category | Male | Female |
Basic Salary | RM 2,608.43 | RM 2,608.43 |
Fixed Housing Allowance | RM 300.00 | RM 300.00 |
Fixed Public Service Allowance | RM 300.00 | RM 300.00 |
Cost of Living Allowance | RM 300.00 | RM 300.00 |
Grand Total | RM 3,508.43 | RM 3,508.43 |

Source: https://docs.jpa.gov.my/docs/pp/2016/01/LAMPIRAN_D.pdf
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) has a process for employees to appeal on rights, particularly regarding appraisal reviews. For appraisal reviews, UKM uses the University Performance Evaluation System (SPPU) for yearly evaluations. Employees can appeal if they feel they were treated unfairly by their supervisors. Academic staff who score below 80% on the SPPU can appeal, while non-academic staff can appeal if they score below 85%. Additionally, UKM has made it compulsory for all supervisors to discuss appraisal marks with their staff to ensure fairness and prevent unfair reviews. This process allows staff to seek fair judgment if they believe they were treated unfairly. The UKM Annual Performance Evaluation Terms and Procedures outline employees’ rights to appeal regarding issues related to employee rights and/or pay.
UKM Annual Performance Evaluation Terms and Procedures
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) recognises labour rights, including freedom of association and collective bargaining, for all, including women and international staff. The Joint Departmental Council (MBJ), established by the Malaysian Public Service Department, is a pivotal platform for facilitating effective two-way communication between employees and the administration. This council provides a structured forum where employees can voice their concerns, share their opinions, and contribute ideas to improve the organisation.
Through MBJ, UKM demonstrates that every union has the freedom to share their opinions, working collaboratively for the betterment of the university. MBJ plays a key role in ensuring that employees’ views are heard and considered, fostering a collaborative environment for decision-making.
Policy On Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
1. UKM always ensures that everything that is done and planned is in accordance with the policy of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). This is adhered to Article 8 (1) in Federal Constitution of Malaysia; provides that all persons are equal before the law and entitled to its equal protection. Clause 2 states:
‘Except as expressly authorised by this Constitution, there shall be no discrimination against citizens on the ground only of religion, race, descent, gender or place of birth in any law or in the appointment to any office or employment under a public authority or in the administration of any law relating to the acquisition, holding or disposition of property or the establishing or carrying on of any trade, business, profession, vocation or employment.’

2. UKM practices a transparent and fair job appointment and promotion system. UKM has a fair salary system that gives the right to freedom of giving feedback and to maintain a good relationship between management and staff. This policy refers to the regulations set by the Malaysian Government through the Malaysian Public Service Department.
3. UKM practices an inclusive policy to meet the rights and needs of students, staff and visitors with disability. This policy is to enable them to have full access to the learning system, work environment and campus life that is inclusive, barrier-free and non-discriminatory.
4. UKM provides fair admission requirements with no discrimination to all who meet the set eligibility needs. This requirement covers all undergraduate and graduate study programs.
UKM Career Advancement Centre
UKM Career Advancement Centre is one of the student service centers at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia which was first established in 2014. Since its establishment, many changes and reforms have been made in order to achieve the main goal of becoming a center to guide students and future graduates to prepare to step into the world of work. Various programs, activities, collaborations and networks are held to ensure that the marketability rate of UKM graduates increases and that UKM graduates are on par with world-renowned universities and abroad.
UKM-Karier’s vision is that we are determined to be a center that is able to drive and highlight the competence and skills of UKM graduates nationally and on the international stage, thus increasing the employability of UKM graduates. While UKM-Karier’s mission is to be a center that provides quality career development services and programs and is able to produce highly marketable graduates.

The Center for Entrepreneurship Development and EKS (UKM-CESMED) was established in October 2010 as a leader in entrepreneurship at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). This center was inaugurated on 31 January 2011 by the Honorable Dato’ Seri Khaled bin Nordin who was the Minister of Higher Education at that time.
UKM-CESMED was created to be a center of entrepreneurial excellence that combines education and development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises at UKM. The center operates in a good ecosystem by involving student clubs, residential colleges, faculties and study centers in joint entrepreneurial activities. The main focus is academic credit courses offered to pre-graduate and graduate students as well as entrepreneurship programs involving UKM students, lecturers, researchers and staff.
UKM-CESMED has established close cooperation with ministries, various agencies and industries in developing learning and teaching in the field of entrepreneurship such as the Ministry of Higher Education (KPT), the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development and Cooperatives (MEDAC), the Malaysian Technology Development Corporation (MTDC), the Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), SME Corporation (SME Corp.), CELCOM, Isoveritas Sdn. Bhd., IM Possible Solutions Sdn. Bhd., Meeka Intl Sdn. Bhd., Return Legacy Group and Universitas Muhammadiyah North Sumatra (UMSU), Indonesia.

Policy On Investment
UKM sets a clear investment policy from the point of governance, regulation, risk management and control so that the invested funds are safe and profitable for the university.
Policy On Green Procurement
UKM practices the green procurement policy established by the Malaysian Government in 2022 which states that the procurement of supplies, services and work takes into account the use of materials and goods that meet environmental criteria to conserve the environment and natural resources and minimize and reduce the negative impacts of human activities.
Policy On Sexual Harassment
This policy also protects complainants from a confidentiality point of view and also provides counseling facilities.
Career Skills Workshop – Bengkel Keterampilan Kerjaya
Faculty of Health Sciences (FSK) is organizing a Career Skills Workshop at Tun Syed Nasir Hall on 18 November 2023.