Jabatan Perubatan Keluarga

 Fakulti Perubatan




  1. Ability to apply knowledge and clinical skills to practice safety and competently

  2. Scientific approach and critical thinking to problem solving and decision making

  3. Ability to work collaboratively within a multi-professionals team with integrity and enthusiasm and to assume a leadership role when appropriate

  4. Ability to lead and collaborate with other heal professionals  in health promotion and disease prevention

  5. Caring attitude and sensitivities to the needs to self, patient and their families, colleagues and the community

  6. Ability to adopt to holistic approach to patient management

  7. Effective communication and social skills

  8. Ethical, spiritual and moral principles and abide by legal requirement

  9. Competency in information and communication technology and its management

  10. Appropriate teaching skills and willingness to educate patients, family, the community and colleagues

  11. Commitment to life long learning 


Learning outcome

At the end of Year 3, the students should be able to:

  1. Take a complete history, perform a proper physical examination, formulate provisional and differential diagnoses, justify relevant investigations and plan patient management taking into considerations the pathogenesis of disease; pharmacological principles of drug use; medico-legal aspect; psychological cultural, religious, and ethical values of patients, family and the community.

  2. Perform basic investigations and procedures.

  3. Communicate effectively as an individual,a leader and a team member.

  4. Demonstrate a sense of responsibility in self developmental and life long learning ability as a junior doctor.

  5. Discuss the health services provided by the district health officers, health clinics and hospitals.

  6. Make a research proposal, conduct a survey, diagnose the main health problems in the community and perform health promotion activities.