Kem Sains UKM is part of a program that is listed at School@UKM which has been in operation since 2013.
This Fun-Based Learning Concept Science Camp is fully organized under the School of Chemical Sciences & Food Technology, Faculty of Science & Technology UKM.
The Objective of this program is to expose students to the unique world of science and to spark interest in the study of science.
Kem Sains UKM Logo was officially introduced in 2016.
The wording Kem-Sains-UKM took purple color which is the official color for the Faculty of Science & Technology UKM (FST).
Round Flask is interpreted as a science world (green) that includes Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Materials Science and the Environment.
Large and Small Hexagonal Prints symbolizes the new generation students of the primary and secondary School.
Semi-circular Support of the Round Flask represents the solid support from FST (purple) and UKM (red).
Kem Sains UKM is also an evidence that UKM is serious in STEM research (symbols of three colored groups – Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering).
About Us
The People Behind Kem Sains UKM
Director Kem Sains UKM
Profesor Madya Dr. Rizafizah Othaman BEng(TIT Japan), MSc(UKMalaysia), DEng(TIT Japan)