INSTITUT KAJIAN ETNIK β€’ 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘡π˜ͺ𝘡𝘢𝘡𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘡𝘩𝘯π˜ͺ𝘀 𝘚𝘡𝘢π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘦𝘴



KITA was established on 8 October 2007 as the only research institute in Malaysia that fully focuses on the study of β€˜ethnic’ and β€˜ethnicity’. From Semester 2 of academic session 2009/2010, KITA offers postgraduate programmes by research mode. As of early 2020, KITA has produced 24 graduates from both programmes combined.

KITA Alumni are encouraged to keep in touch with KITA for latest information and opportunities for collaboration here:

Prominent Alumni

List of Alumni 2012-2022