INSTITUT KAJIAN ETNIK β€’ 𝘐𝘯𝘴𝘡π˜ͺ𝘡𝘢𝘡𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘌𝘡𝘩𝘯π˜ͺ𝘀 𝘚𝘡𝘢π˜₯π˜ͺ𝘦𝘴


KITA Research Ethics Committee (JEPKITA)

In accordance with the requirements outlined in the UKM Research Ethics Secretariat Circular No. 3/2024, dated 19 December 2024, all applications for research ethics approval from KITA Research Fellows and/or Postgraduate Students intended for submission to the UKM Research Ethics Secretariat must first undergo a screening process at the Institute level. This directive takes effect from 1 January 2025.

This screening process aims to ensure that:

  1. The submitted research proposal complies with all guidelines and requirements set by the UKM Research Ethics Committee; and
  2. The preliminary screening allows for the identification and rectification of any weaknesses in methodology, study design, or documentation requirements before submission to the next stage.

Accordingly, the KITA Research Ethics Committee (JEPKITA) was established on 2 January 2025, with Associate Professor Ts. Dr. Mohd Sobhi Ishak as the Chairperson of JEPKITA, assisted by Noorrulhawa Abu Bakar as the Secretary of JEPKITA.

All submission and inquiries are to be directed to JEPKITA Committee via e-mail at until further notice.


Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Mohd. Sobhi Ishak

Prof. Dr. Kartini Aboo Talib@Khalid
Prof. Dr. Supyan Hussin
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zaini Othman
Dr. Shazlin Amir Hamzah
Dr. Nur Atiqah Tang Abdullah
Dr. Pue Giok Hun
Dr. Chan Suet Kay
Dr. Mohd. Shaiful Ramze Endut

Noorrulhawa Abu Bakar

Siti Normadinah Abdul Rahman



Last updated: February 5, 2025