Kolej Pendeta Za'ba

 Kolej Kediaman Pelajar KPZ UKM Bangi

Message from The College Master

Selamat Datang – I warmly welcome you to Pendeta Za’ba Residential College (Kolej Pendeta Za’ba – KPZ), UKM biggest College founded in 2001. I believe KPZ will provide an integrated and holistic education by combining the classroom experience with the residential experience.

Here, Pendeta Za’ba Residential College you will have unprecedented opportunities. You will join a diverse student population of well over 2,000 students from around Malaysia and more than 10 nations around the world. Importantly, you will have the opportunity to truly define yourself and choose your own direction in co-curiculum. Many of Za’bans involve in sports, mobility activities, leadership programmes, entreprenuership programmes and culutre activities. Most of them are renowned artists, sportmen and leaders in UKM (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia). Our students frequently collaborate with the people and NGOs outside the campus.

In Pendeta Za’ba Residential College, we believe that living/learning doesn’t stop in the classroom, cafeteria, or dorm room. The students collaborate independently on theater, music, poetry, concert production, public art, activism, government programmes, etc.

I am proud to lead this residential college. I hope that you enjoy your experience here, and grasp all the many opportunities that are on offer; they are yours for the taking. I am also confident that you will make lifelong friends while you are here. After you leave, with a well-earned degree in hand, Pendeta Za’ba Residential College will continue to occupy a special place in your life. I wish you all the very best. Terima Kasih.



Professor Ts. Dr. Muhammad Rahimi Yusop
College Master

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