Exploring Customer Perception towards Palm Oil Based Products and Its Effects on Purchase Intention

Grant Category, Year:  Research Grant, 2018 


What is consumer perception for palm oil based product? Why is the factor that influence consumer perception to purchase palm oil based products? There are investigations that have explored consumers’ perceptions for product, but this research is unique as it focuses on palm oil based product. This study will explore consumer perception towards palm oil product based personal and environmental factors. This study proposes consumer perception that will lead to consumer purchase intention. The research will be quantitative in nature with stratified sampling techniques. The perception will be based on three household group in Malaysia which is B40, M40 and T20 that cover low income, middle income and high income group. This will provide understanding for palm oil product base on income level. The perception for palm oil product will help palm oil industry to position their product to exploit the local market and increase market share.

Project Leader

Che Aniza Che Wei (Faculty of Economics and Management,