Developing the Oil Palm Plantation in Tasik Chini as a Site for Community-Based Edu-Ecotourism

Research Grant, 2016


Tasik Chini is a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve that is located in Pekan, Pahang. Along the banks of the lake and the surrounding areas lives the Orang Asli community, mainly comprised of the Jakun tribe. The Orang Asli community livelihood depends on the health of the lake. Unfortunately the lake ecosystem is now badly deteriorating due to massive development, land clearing and heavy mining activities. The landscape surrounding the lake is now mainly made of oil palm plantations, rubber estates and patches of what was left from the original forest. Tasik Chini Research Centre (PPTC), UKM has taken various efforts to restore the health of the lake as well as helping the Orang Asli community. One of the efforts taken to help the Orang Asli is through the introduction of edu-ecotourism. This is a new concept that highlights the education aspect of tourism and focuses of specific audiences, particularly students from schools, colleges and universities. Successful implementation of the edu-ecotourism programme depends on the Orang Asli participation as the key player in identifying potential tourists’ trails and welcoming the tourists to their ‘home’, i.e. the village and the surrounding areas, particularly the oil palm plantations. This proposed research project aims (i) to assess the potential of the oil palm plantations as a site for edu-ecotourism, (ii) to assess the Orang Asli community readiness in participating in the edu-ecotourism project, and (iii) to make recommendation on the best way to develop oil palm based edu-ecotourism through community participation. This proposed research project adopts a qualitative approach mainly using focus group discussions and in-depth interviews for primary data collection. Transcripts from the focus group discussions and interviews will be analysed for emerging themes. The findings from this research is hoped to assist the development of a specific oil palm trail for edu-ecotourism programme and hence providing the Orang Asli community with a source of income.

Project Leader

Rozita Ibrahim (School of Liberal Studies,