Felda Projek Sungai Tengi dan Felda Projek Sungai Tengi Selatan

Research Grant, 2021


The advancement and increasing usage of digital technologies due to evolution in industrial revolution 4.0 affected economic well-being of society especially smallholder farmers in palm oil industry. Furthermore, the occurrence of COVID-19 has significantly reordered the world of work, consumption, sociability, and governance. Huge dependency on migrant workers, low-skilled workers, and lack of knowledge caused smallholders facing financial hardship because of increasing cost of living, expose to poverty, social discrimination, and inequality subsequently unable to achieve economic well-being. Therefore, education, skills and knowledge are important aspects of economic well-being. Besides, spiritual dimension is also important for economic well-being. This research aims to develop a new Maqasid-based Integrated Economic Well-being Model that is a holistic and inclusive concept of development that integrates the material, intellectual and spiritual dimensions of human beings. Maqasid-Shariah is a promising alternative for enhancing human development and well-being due to its consideration for individual and societal well-being. Maqasid-Shariah consists of five components which are preservation of religion, life, intellect, wealth, and progeny. This model provides comprehensive and appropriate measurement of economic well-being of smallholders in palm oil industry to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB). To achieve the objectives of this study, we conducted a focus group discussion involving participants of smallholders in Selangor before selecting the related component in the dimension in building the model. The main output will be a model that is able to address the knowledge gap on the existing economic well-being model. It further contributes towards an economic well-being model for smallholders of palm oil industry in facing IR 4.0. Such understanding is expected to support the development and quality of life of smallholders over the long term.

Project Leader

Mariani Abdul-Majid (Faculty of Economics and Management, )