MPOB-UKM@Kampung 2023

June 7, 2023 | Dewan Ranchan, Serian, Sarawak

The MPOB-UKM@Kampung program held with the smallholders’ community in Serian, Sarawak in 2023 saw the honorable inauguration by YB Martin Ben, Deputy Minister 2 of the Ministry of Modernization of Agriculture and Regional Development of Sarawak. This event successfully heightened awareness and knowledge among smallholders regarding methods to augment their income through entrepreneurship and fertigation techniques. Furthermore, participants were acquainted with various incentives provided by both the Federal and State Governments to support small oil palm smallholders, thereby empowering them with essential information to improve their livelihoods.

In addition to economic empowerment, the program also prioritized the safety and health of workers within the oil palm industry. Attendees were educated on safety protocols and health measures crucial for industry workers, while also being introduced to the types of protection offered by PERKESO to alleviate the financial burden on smallholders in cases of accidents or other incidents. By addressing these fundamental aspects, the MPOB-UKM@Kampung program demonstrated its commitment to holistic support for smallholders, encompassing both economic advancement and the well-being of workers in the industry.