Exploring The Strategic Role of ‘Diplomacy and International Relations’ in The Management of Global Palm Oil Issues: A Gap Analysis of Palm Oil Stakeholder Agencies in Malaysia

Research Grant, 2019


Major palm oil producing countries like Malaysia is often exposed to strong global dynamics and upheavals in the international market place. Nonetheless, preliminary reading and observation suggest a deficiency of well-thought long-term strategy among stakeholder agencies to manage global disruptions effectively. The research posits that a more robust strategy with regards to diplomacy and international relations among palm oil stakeholder agencies will contribute positively to the management of global disruptions that impact the industry in Malaysia.
For this reason, this research firstly examines the role played by stakeholder agencies such as Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of International Trade & Industry (MITI), Ministry of Primary Industry, MPOB, MPOCC, MPOA, PORAM etc. in the management of global palm-oil issues. Secondly, it uncovers the weakness, challenges and strengths in the initiatives taken by these agencies. Thirdly, it makes recommendations on the strategies to be taken to better manage global palm oil issues.
This research employs gap-analysis and in-depth interviews as its main research instruments. Parameters of analysis and questionnaire will be determined through focus group discussions and consultations with expert informants. Gap analysis will be performed through focus groups, participated by stakeholder agencies. Expert informants will also be identified for interviews. The collected data will be analysed using standard social science methodology.
The research aims to offer policy recommendations for long-term strategies for stakeholder agencies to manage crises, project future crises and build strategies for Confident Building Measures (CBM) with external parties. A comprehensive research report will be produce for the funder. Findings will be disseminated through publication of articles in indexed-journals. The research will produce a MA thesis on the subject-matter.

Project Leader

D.Ravichandran a/l K.Dhakshinamoorthy (Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,