The Effectiveness Edupalm Program among Secondary School Students
Palm oil industry is an important agricultural industry which plays a significant role in flourishing the economy despite many attempts to project negative perspectives by several global powers. To add to this situation, the industry faces several environmental and social challenges to keep it flourishing. However, efforts made by Malaysian Palm Oil Council (MPOC) must be commended for its never ending efforts to educate the youths through many resources produced and even incorporating the digital humanities to educate and promote awareness through EduPalm the website. Such digital platforms are crucial in promoting and sustaining the nations wealth in the 21st century learning and knowledge seeking era. This research intends to employ a mixed method approach using quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection. A questionnaire will be designed as the main research instrument and will be supplemented with interviews and discussions to achieve the objectives of this research. The research aims to investigate the level of awareness of the existence of the EduPalm Program among secondary school children and to assess the role of schools in Promoting EduPalm Program through the digital platform. The findings will shed light to the current usage of the website and throws many answers to improve the website to effectively meet its noble objectives.
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