Mangroves and Sea Level Rise

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The Asia Pacific Network research team on Mangroves and Sea Level Rise has successfully met and surveyed the study sites in the mangroves of Kilim-Kisap in Langkawi on the 21st to the 26th of March 2015. The team members include Prof. Catherine Lovelock of The University of Queensland, Australia; Dr. Severino Salmo of the Ateneo de Manila University, The Philippines; Dr. Daniel Friess of the National University Singapore; Dr. Frida Sidik of the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs Indonesia; Dr. Richard Mackenzie of the United States Forestry Services, USA (Absent); and Dr. A. Aldrie Amir of the Institute for the Environment and Development (LESTARI), UKM. The work in Langkawi was also assisted by Mr. Ben Thompson (NUS); Ms. Kayla Castro (Ateneo); Ms. Yani (MFMA) and Ms. Aida (PPL LESTARI). The team is working on a long-term project on monitoring and predicting impacts related to changes in climate towards mangroves and their resiliency especially in the Indo-West Pacific region. The team succeeded in installing the first rod surface elevation table (rSET) for Malaysia as part of the larger network to monitor elevation change in the mangroves throughout the region and the world.

by Dr. A. Aldrie Amir.