Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 2 (2016): 388 - 392






(Sebatian Kimia dari Lianas Gnetum cuspidatum Blume)


Nik Fatini Nik Azmin1, Norizan Ahmat1,2*, Nik Khairunissa Nik Abdullah Zawawi1,2


1Faculty of Applied Sciences,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

2Atta-ur-Rahman Institute for Natural Product Discovery,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, Puncak Alam Campus, 42300 Bandar Puncak Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 24 February 2015; Accepted: 27 October 2015




Gnetum is a genus of gymnosperms, the sole genus in the family Gnetaceae with approximately 40 species. Various species has been used for the treatment of rheumatitis, arthritis, bronchitis and asthma in folk medicines. Gnetum cuspidatum Blume is known throughout tropical Southeast Asia from Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Malaysia, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo to the Maluku, Sulawesi and New Guinea. In this research work, a methanol extract of the lianas of Gnetum cuspidatum was subjected to vacuum liquid chromatography for fractionation. Later, several selective fractions had undergone the repetitive radial chromatography technique for further purification. Four known constituents categorized as stilbene type of compound have been successfully isolated and identified which include resveratrol (1), gnetucleistol C (2), gnetucleistol D (3) and gnemonol M (4). The structures and configuration of the reported compounds were elucidated on the basis of 2D-NMR correlations and comparison with the literature.


Keywords: Gnetaceae, Gnetum, Gnetum cuspidatum, stilbene



Gnetum merupakan genus gymnosperms, genus tunggal dalam keluarga Gnetaceae dengan kira-kira 40 spesies. Pelbagai spesies telah digunakan untuk rawatan rheumatitis, arthritis, bronkitis dan asma dalam perubatan penduduk tempatan. Gnetum cuspidatum Blume dikenali di seluruh tropika Asia Tenggara dari Thailand, Vietnam, Kemboja, Malaysia, Sumatera, Jawa, Borneo dan ke Maluku, Sulawesi dan New Guinea. Satu ekstrak metanol daripada lianas Gnetum cuspidatum telah menggunakan vakum kromatografi cecair untuk pemisahan. Kemudian, beberapa pemisahan yang terpilih telah menjalani teknik kromatografi jejarian secara berulang kali untuk penulenan lanjut. Empat sebatian yang dikategorikan sebagai jenis stilbene telah berjaya diasingkan dan dikenalpasti iaitu resveratrol (1), gnetucleistol C (2), gnetucleistol D (3) dan gnemonol M (4). Struktur dan konfigurasi sebatian yang telah dilapor ini berdasarkan korelasi 2D-NMR dan perbandingan dengan kajian literatur.


Kata kunci: Gnetaceae, Gnetum, Gnetum cuspidatum, stilben



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