Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 2 (2016): 278 - 287






(Analisis Kemometrik Bahan Cemar Organik Terpilih dalam Air Permukaan Lembangan Sungai Langat)


Mohamad Rafaie Mohamed Zubir , Rozita Osman, Norashikin Saim*


Faculty of Applied Sciences,

 Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 9 December 2014; Accepted: 9 October 2015




Chemometric techniques namely hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis (HACA), discriminant analysis (DA), principal component analysis (PCA) and factor analysis (FA) were applied to the distribution of selected organic contaminants (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), sterols, pesticides (chlorpyrifos), and phenol) to assess the potential of using these organic contaminants as chemical markers in Langat River Basin. Water samples were collected from February 2012 to January 2013 on a monthly basis for nine monitoring sites along Langat River Basin. HACA was able to classify the sampling sites into three clusters which can be correlated to the level of contamination (low, moderate and high contamination sites). DA was used to discriminate the sources of contamination using the selected organic contaminants and relate to the existing DOE local activities groupings. Forward and backward stepwise DA was able to discriminate two and five organic contaminants variables, respectively, from the original 13 selected variables. The five significant variables identified using backward stepwise DA were fluorene, pyrene, stigmastanol, stigmasterol and phenol. PCA and FA (varimax functionality) were used to identify the possible sources of each organic contaminant based on the inventory of local activities. Five principal components were obtained with 66.5% of the total variation. Result from FA indicated that PAHs (pyrene, fluorene, acenaphthene, benzo[a]anthracene) originated from industrial activity and socio-economic activities; while sterols (coprostanol, stigmastanol and stigmasterol) were associated to domestic sewage and local socio-economic activities. The occurrence of chlorpyrifos was correlated to agricultural activities, urban and domestic discharges. This study showed that the application of chemometrics on the distribution of selected organic contaminants was able to trace the sources of contamination in surface water.


Keywords: chemometrics, organic contaminants, chemical markers, Langat River



Teknik kemometriks iaitu Analisis Kelompok Agglomeratif Berhieraki (HACA), Analisis Diskriminan (DA), Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) dan Analisis Faktor (FA) telah diaplikasi ke atas taburan bahan pencemar organik terpilih (aromatik hidrokarbon polisiklik (PAH), sterol, racun perosak (klorpirifos), dan fenol) untuk menilai potensi penggunaan bahan pencemar organik ini sebagai bahan pengesan di Lembangan Sungai Langat. Sampel air diambil dari bulan Februari 2012 hingga Januari 2013 pada setiap bulan di sembilan stesen pemantauan sepanjang Lembangan Sungai Langat. HACA dapat mengkelaskan kawasan persampelan kepada tiga kelompok yang boleh dikaitkan dengan tahap pencemaran (pencemaran rendah, pencemaran sederhana dan pencemaran tinggi). DA telah digunakan untuk membezakan sumber –sumber pencemaran dengan menggunakan bahan – bahan organik terpilih dan mengaitkannya dengan aktiviti – aktiviti setempat berdasarkan DOE. Analisis Diskriminan Langkah Hadapan dan Belakang masing – masing dapat mendiskriminasikan dua dan lima pembolehubah bahan pencemar organik daripada 13 pembolehubah  asal yang dipilih. Lima pembolehubah yang penting adalah fluorena, pyrena, stigmastanol, stigmasterol dan fenol. PCA dan FA telah digunakan untuk mengenalpasti sumber – sumber bagi setiap bahan pencemar organik berdasarkan inventori aktiviti setempat. Lima komponen utama telah diperolehi dengan 66.5 % daripada jumlah variasi. Hasil daripada FA menunjukkan PAH (pirena, flurena, asenaphtena, benzo[a]antrasena) berpunca dari kegiatan industri dan aktiviti sosio-ekonomi; manakala sterol (coprostanol, stigmastanol dan stigmasterol) daripada kumbahan domestik dan aktiviti – aktiviti sosio-ekonomi setempat. Kehadiran klorpirifos telah dikaitkan dengan aktiviti pertanian, bandar dan pelepasan domestik. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa teknik kemometriks yang diaplikasikan ke atas taburan bahan pencemar organik terpilih mampu mengesan punca pencemaran dalam air permukaan.


Kata kunci: kemometriks, bahan pencemar organik, penanda kimia, Sungai Langat



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