Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 3 (2016): 618 - 625







(Kesan Serakan Filem Lipid-Kitosan Ke Atas Jangka Hayat Jambu yang Disimpan Pada Suhu Sejuk)


Nurul Adilla M. Loai, Halimahton Zahrah Mohamed Som*, Zaibunnisa Abdul Haiyee


Faculty of Applied Sciences,

Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia


*Corresponding author:



Received: 24 February 2015; Accepted: 27 October 2015




An edible lipid-chitosan film forming dispersion (FFD) was developed to delay ripening of guava. Four percent (v/v) of palm stearin (PS) and palm kernel olein (PKOo) in ratios of 0:100, 25:75, 50:50, 75:25 and 100:0 were added to a chitosan solution base and applied on guava by dipping technique. Surface appearance, weight loss, firmness, carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene concentrations were evaluated every 3 days during 31 days of storage at chilled temperature (5±2 °C). An application of FFD on guava significantly (p <0.05) delayed chilling injury, reduced weight loss, maintained firmness, slowed down respiration and ethylene production as compared to uncoated guavas. PS:PKOo (75:25) coating was able to form compatible blends and showed good moisture and gas barrier properties when applied on guava surface, resulting in increased postharvest life of guava.


Keywords:  guava, film forming dispersion, chitosan, palm stearin, palm kernel olein



Serakan filem lipid-kitosan yang boleh dimakan telah dihasilkan untuk melambatkan proses jambu untuk ranum. Empat peratus (v/v) stearin sawit dan olein isirong sawit dengan nisbah 0:100, 25:75,  50:50, 75:25 and 100:0 telah ditambah ke dalam larutan kitosan dan diaplikasikan ke atas jambu dengan menggunakan teknik celupan. Permukaan buah, kehilangan berat, kekerasan, kepekatan  gas karbon dioksida, oksigen dan etilena telah dikaji setiap 3 hari sepanjang 31 hari penyimpanan di dalam suhu sejuk (5±2 °C). Penggunaan salutan ke atas jambu telah melambatkan kerosakan buah, mengurangkan kehilangan berat, mengekalkan kekerasan, melambatkan proses respirasi dan penghasilan etilena jika dibandigkan dengan jambu yang tidak disalut. Salutan PS:PKOo (75:25) telah menghasilkan campuran yang sesuai dan menunjukkan sifat – sifat penghalang air dan gas yang baik apabila diaplikasikan ke atas permukaan jambu dan telah meningkatkan jangka hayat jambu.


Kata kunci:  jambu, serakan lapisan filem, kitosan, stearin sawit, olein isirong sawit



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