Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences Vol 20 No 3 (2016): 491 - 499







(Biopemerhatian Logam Berat Menggunakan Moluska Intertidal di Perairan Pantai Johor Timur)


Mohd Mokhlesur Rahman1*, Fuad Miskon2, Kamaruzzaman Yunus2, Noor Azhar M. Shazili3


1Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy

2Department of Biotechnology, Faculty of Science

International Islamic University Malaysia, 25200 Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia

3School of Marine and Environmental Sciences,

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu


*Corresponding author:



Received: 9 December 2014; Accepted: 6 April 2016




Interspecies, inter-tissue and interspatial dissimilarities of trace metals in particular body parts of Saccostrea cucullata, Thais clavigera and Nerita chameleon from the east Johor coastal waters were compared. Metals of interest includes Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Se and Sr. Bivalve mollusk S. cucullata evidenced to be a worthy bioindicator for Zn and Cu while the two gastropod molluscs, T. clavigera for Cd and Se, and N. chameleon for Pb, Mn and Sr. The prominent concentration of metals originate in T. clavigera may be the outcome of biomagnification transfer from the S. cucullata on which they feed while for N. chameleon, it might be resulting from their herbivorous feeding behavior on algae on rocks which they graze. The metal accumulation patterns indicate consistent enrichment of essential metals in soft tissue. Values of operculum to tissue ratio (OTR) and shell to tissue (STR) higher than unity in T. clavigera indicate that operculum had higher affinities for Pb, Mn and Se while shell had higher affinities for Co and Sr. In N. chameleon, values of OTR and STR higher than unity displayed that operculum and shell had similar higher affinities for Co and Sr and Cd, Co and Sr, respectively. Significant interspatial variations (p<0.05 and p<0.01) in trace metals were noted. Assessment of metal concentration with maximum permissible limits of toxic metals in food shown the values were well within safety levels, except for Zn in S. cucullata that need to be monitored.


Keywords: heavy metals, intertidal mollusks, body parts, safety level



Perbezaan logam surih antara spesis, antara tisu dan antara kawasan dalam bahagian badan tertentu Saccostrea cucullata, Thais clavigera dan Nerita chameleon dari perairan pantai Johor timur telah dikaji. Logam yang menjadi perhatian termasuklah Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Mn, Co, Se dan Sr. Moluska bivalvia S. cucullata terbukti berpotensi menjadi bioindikator bagi Zn dan Cu manakala kedua-dua moluska gastropoda, T. clavigera bagi Cd dan Se, dan N. chameleon bagi Pb, Mn dan Sr. Kepekatan logam yang menonjol dari T. clavigera kemungkinan terhasil dari pemindahan biomagnifikasi dari S. cucullata yang dimakan manakala bagi N. chameleon, ia berkemungkinan terhasil dari tabiat pemakanan secara herbivor ke atas alga di atas batu. Corak pengumpulan logam menunjukkan kepekatan logam perlu yang konsisten dalam tisu lembut. Nilai ratio operculum kepada tisu (OTR) dan ratio kulit ke tisu (STR) lebih tinggi dari paduan dalam T. clavigera menunjukkan operculum mempunyai affiniti yang tinggi bagi Pb, Mn dan Se manakala kulit pula mempunyai affiniti yang tinggi bagi Co dan Sr. Dalam N. chameleon, nilai OTR dan STR lebih tinggi dari paduan menggambarkan bahawa operculum dan kulit mempunyai persamaan affiniti yang tinggi bagi Co dan Sr dan Cd, Co dan Sr, masing-masing. Variasi antara kawasan yang signifikan (p< 0.05 and p< 0.01) dalam logam surih telah dicatatkan. Pemeriksaan kepekatan logam dengan tahap maksimum yang dibenarkan bagi logam berat menunjukkan nilai masih lagi di bawah tahap selamat, kecuali Zn dalam S.cucullata yang perlu diberi perhatian.


Kata kunci: logam berat, intertidal moluska, bahagian badan, had selamat



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