Malaysia Polymer International Conference


Oral & Poster Presentation Guidelines

General Guidelines
  1. Presentation Format:
    • All presentations must be prepared in English.
    • Freestyle format: You are free to design your slides as you prefer.
    • The first slide must include the following:
      • Presentation Title
      • Presenter’s Name
      • Institution/Organization
      • Profile Picture (optional but recommended)
  2. Slide Preparation:
    • Microsoft PowerPoint (MS PowerPoint) is recommended for preparing slides.
    • Ensure your slides are clear, concise, and visually engaging.
  3. Presentation Timing & Q&A Allocation:
    The allocated duration depends on the presenter category:
  4. Preparation & Attendance:
    • All presenters must be ready at least 10 minutes before their allocated session.
    • All speakers should check in advance whether their slides are compatible with the computer/laptop provided in the session room.
    • Please inform the Technical Team if you are planning to do a presentation using your own materials computer/laptop
    • Poster presenters should be available near their posters for interaction and Q&A during the poster session.
  5. Q&A Session:
    • Moderators will manage the Q&A session based on the allocated time.